Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Run Down on Good Topics for a Argumentative Essay Revealed
The Run Down on Good Topics for a Argumentative Essay Revealed Social networking comments should be safeguarded by free speech. Inspiration to make your own advertising or media argumentative essay topics isn't really hard to discover. In any case, direct and indirect quotes are required to support your understanding of academic writing style. Every American should learn how to speak English. If you're thinking that you require someone to compose my essay at this time, you can merely rely on our honest reviews. You may also choose any latest research work that's somewhat controversial to allure the readers to compose argumentative essay. The main reason for writing such a paper isn't just to discuss it. Understanding how to compose a strong argumentative paper will help you advance your very own argumentative thinking. School should occur in the evenings. Papers will be able to help you to compose your cause and effect essay. Students ought to be permitted to pray in sc hool. They should be able to leave school for lunch. What You Don't Know About Good Topics for a Argumentative Essay In the event you're not sure concerning the issue or what you're anticipated to come up with, ask your instructor or trainer. Analyze your audience, and discover out what their needs are. Preferably, it needs to be something that you're an expert in. It is possible to even approach an instructor who will let you know what is required to manage your problem with public speaking. Quite often the most difficult portion of the assignment is selecting a topic. On the flip side, if you decide on a controversial topic you have very little interest in, you'll find it quite difficult to finish the assignment. Part of your job as the speaker lies in inventing a speech that's simple to comprehend and follow. Last word of advice is to ask your teacher before the last decision about the subject selection for argumentative essays. Most Noticeable Good Topics for a Argumentative Essay For instance, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing perspective. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. When you've got a completed outline, you'll have a step-by-step guide that you are able to follow until you're done writing. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to steer clear of low high quality services. You can rest assured your point of view is right until you satisfy an individual that thinks that you're completely erroneous. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you presently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. Take your time to thoroughly examine our cause and effect topics list till you locate a prompt that you're excited to write about. Actually, those who have an issue with public speaking may not have the capability to lead a normal life too. Good Topics for a Argumentative Essay: No Longer a Mystery By starting with a very clear articulation of what your opinion is going to be, you will be in a position to make sure your essay flows and retains a consistent argument. Prior exposure or knowledge about a specific subject provides better hindsight that may bring superior arguments on the issue. In addition, you will only be in a position to really present solid arguments if you are interested in this issue accessible. It's possible for you to restate your argument, which is a rather common practice amongst essayists. During argumentative essay writing, you ought to be prepared for a discussion on it. When you are finished with your essay, you must not just check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. If you've got to compose your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. Creating a very good argument essay starts with a list of argumentative essay topics. Great Essay Topics provides you a wide variety of topics for several kinds of essays. Controversial topics work nicely for speeches and essays, since they typically evoke strong opinions on either side. Argumentative essay topics cover a wide number of subjects, and can be quite persuasive if an excellent essay represents them. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. You might find that you have more ideas on how best to begin and articulate your introduction. One of the greatest approaches to select your topic is to find one which you get a strong opinion about. Learn which of the topics, you currently have a fairly good background on which will make it possible for you to have a relative edge. With the assistance of our tips for writing and our interesting collection of topics, you're guaranteed to have a high grade! The Chronicles of Good Topics for a Argumentative Essay Year round school isn't a good idea. It is very importa nt to keep in mind that you're giving an informative speech. Students are part of the educational system and in addition, they play a part in politics so such issues touch just about all students in all nations. All students ought to be asked to perform a single year of community support. The Birth of Good Topics for a Argumentative Essay The secret to a very good essay is having the ability to discover the ideal info and communicate that information effectively and logically. You might have known of the period, audience analysis well that is merely a marketing term for understanding the sort of people who is going to be listening to you and what they want from you. 1 strategy is to go through the list and dismiss ones that will surely be no good. In many professional contexts, respectful argumentation is the thing that leads to the growth of new suggestions and perspectives.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Rescued From Their Invisibility The Afro Puerto Ricans
The articles â€Å"Rescued From Their Invisibility: The Afro-Puerto Ricans of Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century San Mateo de Cangrejos, Puerto Rico†, â€Å"Contested Mestizos, Alleged Mulattos: Racial Identity and Caste Hierarchy in Eighteenth Century Patzcuaro, Mexico†, â€Å"Slave Morality and Reproduction on Jesuit Haciendas in Colonial Peru†, and â€Å"Human Capital and Other Determinants of the Price Life Cycle of a Slave: Peru and La Plata in the Eighteenth Century†all deal with the topic of changes in populations and its effects on various societies. Analysis on this overall topic included, racial identity, experiences of slaves and runaways, and slave statistics. Even though these works help in learning more about the history, experiences and struggles of African populations in Latin America, they do not reveal the entire history. They only have scratched half of the surface, in what is a continuous pursuit by scholars to uncover more information . David Stark and Aaron Althouse focus on African experiences in Puerto Rico, primarily in Congrejos. Stark discussed how African runaway slaves made their way into various parts of Puerto Rico to be free. Unlike men, who were willing to risk their lives to travel to Congrejos, Puerto Rico, many women did not desire to go. Many of them were worried about â€Å"leaving behind or having to care for young children and/or aged kin†(Stark 567). Despite their worries, women still went, because of the poor diet and terrible treatment of their former
Monday, December 9, 2019
Hitlers Willing Executioners Essay Example For Students
Hitlers Willing Executioners Essay In Daniel Jonah Goldhagens book, Hitlers Willing Executioners, Goldhagen explains what could have provoked the German people to support the murder of six million European Jews. His central theory is that the perpetrators of genocide in Nazi Germany were not a small group of SS zealots but thousands of ordinary Germans who killed with the consent of millions more. One of his most convincing examples is that of Police Battalion 101. Due to manpower shortages during the war, the police battalions could not be composed only of fanatical Nazis or impressionable youth; instead, they recruited a representative sample of German society. Members came from all occupations, and the proportions of Nazi-Party and SS members approximated those in Germany as a whole. Goldhagen describes in shocking detail the actions of these men, which often involved clearly targeting children and the elderly, who could not work in the camps. The murders, however, were not forced upon the battalion, as revealed by the members testimony. In Police Battalion 101, the choice to choose out of the murders was offered both before the first killings and after. Out of 550 men, only twelve declined to take part, and they were not harmed in any way. The haunting question is what could have compelled the members of Police Battalion 101 and other German institutions to such voluntary cruelty. Goldhagen disproves the five conventional explanations for the perpetrators actions. The theory that the perpetrators were forced by authorities is disproved by testimony from the police battalions and the astonishing fact that there is not one verified case of anyones being sent to a concentration camp or killed for not obeying an execution order, despite the extensive efforts of the Nuremberg defense. A second theory, supported by psychology experiments, is that people, or Germans in particular, will impulsively obey orders that come from a source perceived to be legitimate. This is disproved by a remarkable action taken by one of the commanders in Police Battalion 101. He, upon receiving an order that his men sign a declaration obligating them not to steal, sent a written refusal to his superiors. He felt his honor impugned and refused to obey an order he believed was wrong, although his men had already killed tens of thousands of Jews. The third explanation amounts to peer pressure, which could only work if a majority of Germans favored the genocide. The remaining two are career advancement, which was not a factor for most of the working-class soldiers, and lack of comprehension of Hitlers Final Solution, which certainly cannot be applied to face-to-face murderers. Goldhagen presents his own explanation, namely that an eliminationist antisemitism had been present in Germany since the Crusades. He maintains that antisemitism was not being continually refuted and readopted, but that, although it remained latent at some time, it was always present. He stresses the differences between the leading beliefs in Germany about the various persecuted groups; the Jews were thought to be willfully cruel and bent on destroying Germany, while the Slavs were considered simply inferior. His theory explains the wide inconsistency in monthly death rates among groups in the work camps and is the only explanation that creates a tenable motive for the perpetrators actions. Overall, Hitlers Willing Executioners presents a coherent, well-supported argument that ordinary Germans, motivated by an eliminationist antisemitism, knowingly and willingly took part in the Holocaust.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
St. Augustines Just War Theory And The Persion Gulf War On August 2nd,
St. Augustine's Just War Theory and the Persion Gulf War On August 2nd, 1990 the first Iraqi tanks crossed into Kuwait, as part of an invasion that marked the start of a six-month conflict between the United States and Iraq. These tanks were ordered to invade Kuwait by Saddam Hussein, the ruthless dictator of Iraq. The Iraqi troops looted Kuwaiti businesses and brutalized Kuwaiti civilians. Saudi Arabia began to fear that they may be invaded as well, and on August 7th they formally asked President Bush for US assistance. The US pledged to defend the Saudis, and to remove the Iraqis from Kuwait. Great masses of troops from many different nations were deployed in the Persian Gulf area. At 4:30 PM EST on January 16, 1991, the first aircraft with orders to attack Iraqi targets were launched from Saudi Arabia, marking the beginning of Operation Desert Storm. Dictators like Mr. Hussein cannot be allowed to take advantage of smaller countries like bullies after lunch money. There has to be someone to stop them, or they will gain more and more power and land, just as Adolf Hitler tried to do in World War II. That someone, in the case of Mr. Hussein, was the United States, along with a multinational coalition. The US had just cause in entering a war against Iraq because of Iraq's invasion of the small and defenseless nation of Kuwait. Actions such as that must be repulsed. Iraq had no just cause in invading Kuwait; their reasons were either obscure or for their benefit. The US had to help Kuwait regain their nation. In protecting the Saudis from invasion and removing the Iraqis from Kuwait the US had the right intention. The real reason the US decided to fight the Iraqis was to restore Kuwait's government and to defend Saudi Arabia. There was no underlying reason, such as to receive better prices on oil or to make the Kuwaitis indebted to the US so as to receive favors. Throughout the war, the US made clear their purpose and intent in fighting the Iraqis, and not on ce did they stray from it. Legitimate authority was established when the Congress voted to follow United Nations resolution 678, section two of which "Authorizes Member States co-operating with the Government of Kuwait, unless Iraq on or before 15 January 1991 fully implements, as set forth in paragraph 1 above, the foregoing resolutions, to use all necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660 (1990) and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area." The vote to follow the resolution was as good as a declaration of war, as far as legitimate authority is concerned, and is in some ways better. The adoption of the resolution only authorized the use of force to remove Iraq from Kuwait. This limited the ability of our military to completely destroy Iraq's military or to drive Hussein from power. Our authority to remove Iraq from Kuwait was clearly legitimate. The Gulf War was fought with proportionality clearly in the leadershi p's mind. President Bush planned to get Iraq's troops out of Kuwait and then stop. He had no intention of carrying the war further. Although Bush would have dearly liked to have marched US troops toward Baghdad to destroy Hussein's government, he did not, because of the risk of heavy casualties, and because it went against the proportionality idea. The leaders who picked targets for our forces never targeted civilians. Civilians were killed, for sure, but they were not deliberately targeted. Non-combatant immunity is an important part of every war the US has been engaged in. The Iraqis definitely targeted civilians, as was quite evident by their SCUD attacks on Israel and Saudi Arabia. Many civilians and military personnel were killed by SCUDs during the course of the war. Civilians are not responsible for harm done to one's country, and therefore deserve immunity. Upon entering the conflict, The US obviously had a reasonable hope of success. The Iraqis had several hundred thousand poorly trained, poorly equipped, and poorly led troops, while the Allied forces numbered about 800,000. The allied troops were better trained, equipped, and led than the Iraqis. They were St. Augustines Just War Theory And The Persion Gulf War On August 2nd, St. Augustine's Just War Theory and the Persion Gulf War On August 2nd, 1990 the first Iraqi tanks crossed into Kuwait, as part of an invasion that marked the start of a six-month conflict between the United States and Iraq. These tanks were ordered to invade Kuwait by Saddam Hussein, the ruthless dictator of Iraq. The Iraqi troops looted Kuwaiti businesses and brutalized Kuwaiti civilians. Saudi Arabia began to fear that they may be invaded as well, and on August 7th they formally asked President Bush for US assistance. The US pledged to defend the Saudis, and to remove the Iraqis from Kuwait. Great masses of troops from many different nations were deployed in the Persian Gulf area. At 4:30 PM EST on January 16, 1991, the first aircraft with orders to attack Iraqi targets were launched from Saudi Arabia, marking the beginning of Operation Desert Storm. Dictators like Mr. Hussein cannot be allowed to take advantage of smaller countries like bullies after lunch money. There has to be someone to stop them, or they will gain more and more power and land, just as Adolf Hitler tried to do in World War II. That someone, in the case of Mr. Hussein, was the United States, along with a multinational coalition. The US had just cause in entering a war against Iraq because of Iraq's invasion of the small and defenseless nation of Kuwait. Actions such as that must be repulsed. Iraq had no just cause in invading Kuwait; their reasons were either obscure or for their benefit. The US had to help Kuwait regain their nation. In protecting the Saudis from invasion and removing the Iraqis from Kuwait the US had the right intention. The real reason the US decided to fight the Iraqis was to restore Kuwait's government and to defend Saudi Arabia. There was no underlying reason, such as to receive better prices on oil or to make the Kuwaitis indebted to the US so as to receive favors. Throughout the war, the US made clear their purpose and intent in fighting the Iraqis, and not on ce did they stray from it. Legitimate authority was established when the Congress voted to follow United Nations resolution 678, section two of which "Authorizes Member States co-operating with the Government of Kuwait, unless Iraq on or before 15 January 1991 fully implements, as set forth in paragraph 1 above, the foregoing resolutions, to use all necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660 (1990) and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area." The vote to follow the resolution was as good as a declaration of war, as far as legitimate authority is concerned, and is in some ways better. The adoption of the resolution only authorized the use of force to remove Iraq from Kuwait. This limited the ability of our military to completely destroy Iraq's military or to drive Hussein from power. Our authority to remove Iraq from Kuwait was clearly legitimate. The Gulf War was fought with proportionality clearly in the leadershi p's mind. President Bush planned to get Iraq's troops out of Kuwait and then stop. He had no intention of carrying the war further. Although Bush would have dearly liked to have marched US troops toward Baghdad to destroy Hussein's government, he did not, because of the risk of heavy casualties, and because it went against the proportionality idea. The leaders who picked targets for our forces never targeted civilians. Civilians were killed, for sure, but they were not deliberately targeted. Non-combatant immunity is an important part of every war the US has been engaged in. The Iraqis definitely targeted civilians, as was quite evident by their SCUD attacks on Israel and Saudi Arabia. Many civilians and military personnel were killed by SCUDs during the course of the war. Civilians are not responsible for harm done to one's country, and therefore deserve immunity. Upon entering the conflict, The US obviously had a reasonable hope of success. The Iraqis had several hundred thousand poorly trained, poorly equipped, and poorly led troops, while the Allied forces numbered about 800,000. The allied troops were better trained, equipped, and led than the Iraqis. They were St. Augustines Just War Theory And The Persion Gulf War On August 2nd, St. Augustine's Just War Theory and the Persion Gulf War On August 2nd, 1990 the first Iraqi tanks crossed into Kuwait, as part of an invasion that marked the start of a six-month conflict between the United States and Iraq. These tanks were ordered to invade Kuwait by Saddam Hussein, the ruthless dictator of Iraq. The Iraqi troops looted Kuwaiti businesses and brutalized Kuwaiti civilians. Saudi Arabia began to fear that they may be invaded as well, and on August 7th they formally asked President Bush for US assistance. The US pledged to defend the Saudis, and to remove the Iraqis from Kuwait. Great masses of troops from many different nations were deployed in the Persian Gulf area. At 4:30 PM EST on January 16, 1991, the first aircraft with orders to attack Iraqi targets were launched from Saudi Arabia, marking the beginning of Operation Desert Storm. Dictators like Mr. Hussein cannot be allowed to take advantage of smaller countries like bullies after lunch money. There has to be someone to stop them, or they will gain more and more power and land, just as Adolf Hitler tried to do in World War II. That someone, in the case of Mr. Hussein, was the United States, along with a multinational coalition. The US had just cause in entering a war against Iraq because of Iraq's invasion of the small and defenseless nation of Kuwait. Actions such as that must be repulsed. Iraq had no just cause in invading Kuwait; their reasons were either obscure or for their benefit. The US had to help Kuwait regain their nation. In protecting the Saudis from invasion and removing the Iraqis from Kuwait the US had the right intention. The real reason the US decided to fight the Iraqis was to restore Kuwait's government and to defend Saudi Arabia. There was no underlying reason, such as to receive better prices on oil or to make the Kuwaitis indebted to the US so as to receive favors. Throughout the war, the US made clear their purpose and intent in fighting the Iraqis, and not on ce did they stray from it. Legitimate authority was established when the Congress voted to follow United Nations resolution 678, section two of which "Authorizes Member States co-operating with the Government of Kuwait, unless Iraq on or before 15 January 1991 fully implements, as set forth in paragraph 1 above, the foregoing resolutions, to use all necessary means to uphold and implement resolution 660 (1990) and all subsequent relevant resolutions and to restore international peace and security in the area." The vote to follow the resolution was as good as a declaration of war, as far as legitimate authority is concerned, and is in some ways better. The adoption of the resolution only authorized the use of force to remove Iraq from Kuwait. This limited the ability of our military to completely destroy Iraq's military or to drive Hussein from power. Our authority to remove Iraq from Kuwait was clearly legitimate. The Gulf War was fought with proportionality clearly in the leadershi p's mind. President Bush planned to get Iraq's troops out of Kuwait and then stop. He had no intention of carrying the war further. Although Bush would have dearly liked to have marched US troops toward Baghdad to destroy Hussein's government, he did not, because of the risk of heavy casualties, and because it went against the proportionality idea. The leaders who picked targets for our forces never targeted civilians. Civilians were killed, for sure, but they were not deliberately targeted. Non-combatant immunity is an important part of every war the US has been engaged in. The Iraqis definitely targeted civilians, as was quite evident by their SCUD attacks on Israel and Saudi Arabia. Many civilians and military personnel were killed by SCUDs during the course of the war. Civilians are not responsible for harm done to one's country, and therefore deserve immunity. Upon entering the conflict, The US obviously had a reasonable hope of success. The Iraqis had several hundred thousand poorly trained, poorly equipped, and poorly led troops, while the Allied forces numbered about 800,000. The allied troops were better trained, equipped, and led than the Iraqis. They were
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Parts of Speech Essay Example
Parts of Speech Essay Example Parts of Speech Essay Parts of Speech Essay PARTS OF SPEECH Traditional grammar recognizes seven parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, and conjunction These are the grammar basics. 1. Adjective an adjective modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. It usually answers one of these questions: Which one? What kind of ? How many? Example: an argumentative essay 2. Adverb an adverb modifies, qualifies, a verb and usually answers one of these questions: When? Where? How? Why? Under what conditions? To what degree? Example: a well argued essay. 3. Article precedes a noun phrase and is either definite (the) or indefinite (a/an) in property. Example: An (indefinite article) argumentative (adjective) essay that is persuasive is the (definite article) the (definite article) writers mark of success. 4. Conjunction: An essay can be either argumentative or descriptive but not both. 5. Noun a noun is an animate or inanimate object or concept. Example: an essay (noun) 6. Preposition -a pronoun is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to form a phrase modifying another word in the sentence. Example: The road to hell is usually paved with good intentions. 7. Pronoun: When scientific experiments do not work out as expected, they are ften considered failures until some other scientist tries them again. Those that work out better the second time around are the one that promise the most rewards. 8. Verb: In my argumentative essay, I will (verb) attempt (verb) to persuade (verb) the reader of my point of view
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The French Expression A La Fois
The French Expression A La Fois Expression: la foisPronunciation: [ah lah fwah]Meaning: at the same time, at onceLiteral translation: at the timeRegister: normalThe French expression la fois means at the same time, even though the seemingly essential word mà ªme is not - indeed, cannot be - included. (See synonyms, below.) Examples    Je ne peux pas lire et à ©couter de la musique la fois.I cant read and listen to music at the same time.Ce film est amusant et à ©ducatif la fois.This movie is (both) funny and educational at the same time.Ne parlez pas tous la fois, chacun son tour.Dont all speak at once, everyone (will) speak in turn. Synonyms and Related Expressions avoir le don dubiquità © - to be everywhere at dà ©doubler - to be in two places at once.en mà ªme temps - at the same time.ensemble - together.mà ªner ___ de front - to ___ at the same time, e.g.mener deux affaires de front - to run two businesses at the same time.mà ªner plusieurs tà ¢ches de front - to perform two tasks at the same time. Expressions with ​La Fois chasser/courir deux lià ¨vres la foisto try to do two things at once(literally, to chase/run after two hares at the same time)On ne peut pas à ªtre la fois au four et au moulin. (proverb)You cant be in two places at once.(literally, You cant be at the oven and the mill at the same time.)Nul ne peut servir deux maà ®tres la fois. (proverb)You cant serve two masters.(literally, No one can serve two masters at the same time.)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Process Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Process Analysis - Essay Example The above-depicted model can be better analyzed with reference to Tesco, which possess similar components that entail ‘inputs’, ‘guides’, ‘outputs’ and ‘enablers.’ The inputs of Tesco in relation to the stated model can be better understood by ascertaining the involvement level of the suppliers with the company while procuring products. As illustrated above, enablers denote the functions of operations, manpower resources, group skills and innovation of products along with services. In this regard, Tesco adheres to this component of the model in the form of employing qualified as well as skilled personnel and also integrating advanced technological systems in its operational functions. The third element of the model is ‘output’, which involves selling products via physical outlets and online stores. Tesco conducts its business by offering its products to the customers by making them visit physical stores and also purchas ing the same through online. The final stage of the Burlton IGOE Model i.e. ‘guides’ lays stress upon introducing effective policies and regulations towards conducting business in an efficient manner. Tesco tries to ensure that proper governance is being followed throughout the organization with the introduction of several policies and standards associated with health and safety and human resource among others. The company focused on fulfilling its core objectives by maintaining an ethical code of conduct and evading negative situations.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Managerial Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Managerial Accounting - Essay Example These rates of return methodologies are vital in terms of the measurement of financial performance, assessment of the risk and desirability of certain projects. Also the monitoring of a certain specific project performance. There are two vital rates of return concepts. The Economic rate of return and the Accounting rate of return. Both of these rates of returns play a vital role in terms of an investment appraisal .now, to measure the economic performance of an investment; we need to be aware of its Real rate of return of the finished project. Herein all Cash receipts are expressed in terms of monetary units which hold equal purchasing power. This theory is what provides base to the following value of a future performance. The present value of the expected cash flow of the project, discounted appropriately. Differential analysis is considered an alternative to the traditional income statement format. Pricing decisions are made using the differential analysis methodology. If organizations apply differential analysis to pricing, then every price given for a product is considered as the alternative course of action. The fixed costs however will remain the same in between .The aim of all organizations in the process of selecting an appropriate price is where total future revenues will exceed total future costs. DifDifferential analysis is done at various levels to assess, product pricing, project viability etc. All costs cannot be considered to be a part. The decision making only includes the future revenue. These future revenues tend to also differ .Management does not possess the capability of altering all of its past decisions. But on the other hand it is capable of changing its future decisions, by setting up its future costs with care. Differential costs are also known, and often times referred to as or incremental costs. It is also comprehended as the difference in the total cost which occurs due to a change in Price .It is considered as the increase or the decrease in total cost. It is calculated mathematically, by subtracting the cost of one alternative from the cost of another alternative. This alternative choice can be arrived at by a change in method of production, in sales volume, change in product mix, make or buy decisions, take or refuse decisions etc. Capital Investment Analysis: All businesses need capital to keep operations running. Capital is required to finance investments in inventory, plant and machinery, accounts receivables etc. Financial managers also must decide how their companies should raise capital. Capital investment means, the amount that the owner can invest, in order to initiate the business. These are what he can provide for, from his personal resources, or any additional amounts. The owner of the business is the one, who is liable of all debts and liabilities to the business The Capital investment decisions are very crucial along with being complicated. They involve qualitative factors that are not easy to comprehend during the analysis. And so there are various calculating methods to analyze the capital investment of an individual business. A meaningful capital investment
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Compare and Contrast Melody and Structure in the Brahms, Debussy and Poulenc Essay Example for Free
Compare and Contrast Melody and Structure in the Brahms, Debussy and Poulenc Essay Brahms is a composer in which melody is not the key focus, but still does in fact use it to his advantage. As a romantic composer Brahms definitely uses the features of the romantic era in his music, for example, the augmentation of motifs. This happens regularly throughout the piece but specifically he does an augmentation of the x motif in bar 105-108. Another melodic feature that is present in this Piano Quintet is the use of ornamentation. This helps to create decoration to the melody line and is seen in the y motif at bar 109. The last melodic feature that Brahms predominantly uses is rests and staccatos. This creates a jerky melody throughout for the strings and piano to play. Debussy in contrast, uses smooth melodies, by using slurs, which is shown from the first bar to create his description of the poem. Another contrast to Brahms, is that Debussy uses solos and unaccompanied melodies in his composition and Brahms never lets a part play on its own. Debussy’s main and famous solo that he uses for the melody is in the flute at bar 1. Furthermore, he also uses whole tone scales to be able to create a different melody that has not been used before, and this is shown at bar 31 and 32 in the clarinet. Similarly to Brahms, Debussy decorates his melody, however not with ornamentation but with different rhythms so that he can add in extra note flurrys. For example, the rhythm in bar 3 in the flute, at bar 21-22 has been decorated with demi-semi triplets. Poulenc similarily uses ornamentation in the way that Brahms does in his piece, for example in bar 10 he has used a type of higher mordent. In addition, a melodic feature which is unique to this composition is the arpeggio figures, which is shown in the trumpet in the first three notes. This appergio figures helps us to establish what key we are in. Furthermore, just like the Brahms Poulenc makes use of our ability to make extreme dynamics for the melody,without having to add instruments. It starts off quietly until the fourth bar where it jumps to forte for three homorhythm notes. Lastly, Poulenc uses some chromaticism, just like Debussy. The chromatic melodic figure that appears in this piece is in the trombone in the Coda. Brahms is very particular about the structure of his composition also. The overall structure of the piece is Ternary Form, which is A-B-A or this case Scherzo-Trio-Scherzo. The Scherzo is a movement which is mean to be like ‘a joke’. This structure and Scherzo was influecend by the Classical period as we were still developing the romantic era at this time. Brahms, decides to experiment with the Ternary structure though, so within the Scherzo there are three themes called A,B and C, and these are formed together witha fugato section to form ABCAB Fugato BCAB. Furthermore, the Trio also uses its own Ternary form within itself with different themes. Lastly, the structure of the Fugato section is also experimented with to make it complicated and decorative to the listener, so Brahms uses a fugal subject and countersbujects at the same time and changes the points and instruments in which the different countersubjects come in. He ends the Fugal section with a Stretto, creating a extra part of structure, which uses fragmented ideas from previous melodies. Similarly to Brahms, Debussy uses a Ternary Form structure of ABA. Furthermore, within the A section there is two subsections and a transitions. You can tell each different subsection because there is something new going on in each section. For example, in A1 the main theme of the flute is present, to the transition where the instrumentation changes and the melody starts to get scalic, and then for the final subsection it has a significant difference of a new tempo. This is a comparison with Brahms because Debussy has also experimented within the structure but has not gone to the extent that Brahms has. Lastly, the whole structure is based on description. Debussy is trying to give a musical/visual image to a tone poem, and this helps him to create his structure throughout, because it needed to adapt to what was going on. The Sonata structure is not in fact in Sonata form, it uses a variation of Ternary form. Again like Brahms and Debussy, he does not just use ABA, but create a transition and a coda to go with this to create the structure of his whole piece. This is less ambigious than the other two composers but this is because Poulenc was heavily influenced by the neo-classical style. Moreover, to create a contrast within the piece Poulenc used extended phrase structures and distinct classical style phrasing to help him clarify his structure e. g. bars 1-4. In comparision to Brahms, Poulenc uses themes within his structure to give each section its own miniature structure, for example, in Section A, bars 1-21, there are three themes A (b1-8) ,B (9-17) and C (18-21). In conclusion, there reasons there are similarities between the pieces are because they are all in similar music periods. All it ranges from is the romantic period, where experimentation started to occur, to the 20th Century when experimentation was at its peak. Also, the reasons there are differences between the pieces is because of their own individuals styles and influences. Brahms is still influenced by the Classical period in some aspects due to being so close to the Classical Period, Debussy is in the middle of two periods so is influenced and his piece pushed the periods forward, and lastly, Poulenc was influenced by Neo classicism, and this shows all the composers influences are contrasting.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Nature of Good and Evil in Stevensons The Strange case of Dr Jekyl
The Nature of Good and Evil in Stevenson's The Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Introduction: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is the story of a gifted doctor who discovers a drug which can release the evil side of one's nature. This drug changes Dr Jekyll into Mr Hyde. Stevenson does not reveal the details of Jekyll's story until the end of the novel, but presents the tale as mystery, in which the main characters try to figure out the identity of Mr Hyde and understand his strange relationship with Dr Jekyll. This story follows the gothic genre and below I will explain some gothic features that are used in this story This story follows 'The Faust Motif'. This is The use of a monster (Mr Hyde) Due to the fact that he looks abnormal, disabled and is ugly people feel uncomfortable around him and scared to stand anywhere near him. Another feature would be that Dr Jekyll has a second self or in other words an alternate identity being Mr Hyde. This book uses multiple narratives. This is when the story is told through many different perspectives so that the reader can make up his own mind about what the story is actually about. This story we first hear through the perspective of Mr Utterson and Mr Enfield as they try to discover the relationship between Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Then as the story progresses we hear Mr Hyde's story and towards the end we hear Dr Jekyll' story. I think that Stevenson was trying to show that good and evil cannot be changed or intervened with using the aid of science. He gets his point across when we find out how Dr Jekyll ends up suffering and leading to his own downfall by trying to get rid of hi... ...t they have seen, experienced and had evidence of rather than talking about what they have heard Conclusion In this essay I have gone through the main points of the story. From the beginning where Mr Hyde tramples the young girl and Mr Utterson and Mr Enfield decide to track Mr Hyde. Then I carried on by going onto how the doors of houses and other places can symbolise what is behind them and what type of person uses them. After that I analysed Mr Hyde in depth and discussed his actions. Including when he trampled the young girl and paid her family money to avoid any sort of trouble. Then he brutally murdered Sir Danvers Carew, even though from the maids perspective it seemed as if they were friends. Then I commented on the use of multiple narratives and the relationship between the narrators.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sustainability A Study Of World Leading Universities Environmental Sciences Essay
Universities, as Centres for developing responsible and knowing worlds, prepare pupils to react to the rational, societal, and personal challenges that they will confront in community. To this terminal, universities will take usage of assorted resources. In this respect, the inquiry which rises is to what extent the universe taking universities take their environmental duty into consideration and how committed they are to environmental sustainability. This paper aimed to research this issue by analyzing the universe top 10 graded universities. The survey sample included Harvard University ( US ) , University of Cambridge ( UK ) , Yale University ( US ) , University College London ( UK ) , Imperial College London ( UK ) , University of Oxford ( UK ) , University of Chicago ( US ) , Princeton University ( US ) , Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( US ) , and California Institute of Technology ( US ) . The needed information was collected through the content analysis of the web site s and one-year studies of the mentioned universities. Findingss of the paper showed that all the studied universities were involved in a figure of assorted environmental activities and were committed to their environmental duties. The findings of the paper can be a benchmark for other universities. Since the environment is an of import pillar of corporate societal duty ( CSR ) and critical portion of sustainability, the findings have of import deductions for CSR policy of universities. Keywords: Awareness, environmental sustainability, university. Introduction All worlds have a moral duty to continue the planet and there is no alibi for making nil to better the environmental province of the Earth. This besides applies to establishments of higher instruction ( Christensen et al. , 2009 ) . Organizations such as companies or universities are normally responsible for the terrible environmental debasement we have witnessed ( Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar, 2008 ; Hoffman and Woody, 2008 ; Haden et al. , 2009 ) . Nowadays, higher instruction establishments can do â€Å" important environmental impacts †( Jabbour, 2010 ) . Many of them, due to their big size, expressive motion of people and vehicles, high ingestion of stuffs, and strong development of complex activities, may be considered as â€Å" little towns †( Alshuwaikhat and Abubakar, 2008 ) . Therefore higher instruction institutes have a great environmental duty toward society. This could be through preparation alumnuss with suited environmental cognition every bit good as env ironmental programs and plans to cut down waste and preserve environment. Now, the inquiry which arises is how cognizant universities are toward their environmental duties toward society. To reply this inquiry, this survey will look into the issue among universe top 10 universities through reexamining their web site content and one-year studies. Although old surveies have been conducted in this country, they are chiefly instance surveies sing merely one university. This survey, nevertheless, considers 10 International universities at the same clip and attempts to supply a general image of how cognizant and responsible universe top universities are toward environment. Since the environment is an of import pillar of corporate societal duty ( CSR ) and critical portion of sustainability, the findings of this survey have of import deductions for CSR policy of universities. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IN UNIVERSITIES Sustainability is a form of resource usage which meets the demands of the present without compromising the ability of future coevalss to run into their demands. The chief thought of sustainable development is to accomplish the permanent satisfaction of human demands. Environmental direction may be defined as â€Å" the survey of all proficient and organisational activities aimed at cut downing the environmental impact caused by a company ‘s concern operations †( Cramer, 1998, p. 162 ) . Although ab initio targeted for companies, this definition can besides be applied to service sector and universities. Universities apply assorted resources to supply quality instruction for pupils. This, in bend, will do impacts on the environment. Several simple illustrations of these impacts are electricity ingestion, production of waste and CO2 emanation caused by day-to-day printing of big Numberss of documents. A figure of dimensions define environmental direction patterns ( AragI?n -Correa, 1998 ; Klassen & A ; Angell, 1998 ; Klassen & A ; Whybark, 1999 ) . As Cespedes-Lorente et Al. ( 2003 ) reference, â€Å" Peattie and Ringler ( 1994 ) drew a differentiation between package and hardware environmental activities. Software activities are those focused on organisational issues such us systems, processs, audits and manuals, whereas hardware activities are concerned with technological alteration to cut down the environmental impact of the house †. Environmental sustainability refers to the environmental actions or impacts of what we do. There are a figure of surveies sing the issues of sustainability and environment in higher instruction. A survey by Wright ( 2010 ) , examined how a cohort of university presidents and vice-presidents in Canadian universities conceptualize sustainable development, sustainable universities, the function universities play in accomplishing a sustainable hereafter, cardinal issues confronting the university, and the barriers to implementing sustainability enterprises on campus. They showed that although the bulk of participants were good versed in the construct of sustainable development, they were less familiar with the construct of a sustainable university. However, bulk of them were dedicated to holding their university go more sustainable. The participants besides listed â€Å" fiscal quandaries †, â€Å" deficiency of apprehension and consciousness of sustainability issues amongst the university population †, and â€Å" a opposition to alter †as the chief barriers in the way of sustainability. Pollock et Al. ( 2009 ) besides insisted that â€Å" complex and uneffective administration, traditional disciplinary boundaries, and the deficiency of a shared vision at academic establishments frequently hinder university ‘s advancement toward taking the universe to a more sustainable and desirable hereafter †. Furthermore, a survey by Rauch and Newman ( 2009 ) in Yale University explored how an institutional mark can take to greater community action and long-run committedness than if no specific mark is established. Methodology Similar to a related survey by Capriotti and Moreno ( 2007 ) , this paper used a content analysis methodological analysis to analyse the web sites of the top 10 universe universities ranked by Times Higher Education ( THE, 2009 ) . This research studied the content of the university functionary web sites and tried to place universities environmental patterns, processs and programs. To this terminal, we have reviewed all the related web pages of the universities ( including intelligence, media, section web pages, etc. ) and non merely direct links from the home page. The survey sample included Harvard University ( US ) , University of Cambridge ( UK ) , Yale University ( US ) , University College London ( UK ) , Imperial College London ( UK ) , University of Oxford ( UK ) , University of Chicago ( US ) , Princeton University ( US ) , Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( US ) , and California Institute of Technology ( US ) . FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The findings of this research shows that universe taking universities are in some manner or another involved in environmental patterns and committed to their environmental duty. Table 1 summarizes the diverseness of the countries which these universities are involved in. Table 1 Environmental patterns of studied universities Environmental Practice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Decrease of nursery gas emanationsiiiiiiiiiiDecrease in the usage of fossil fuels and increase in the usage of renewable resourcesiiiiiiiiiiWaste recycle and directioniiiiiiiiDecrease of H2O usageiiiiiiGreen edifices and environmentally responsible architectureiiiiiiiRuning an specialised environmental centre/ webiiiiiiiiiiDecrease of the environmental impact due to the usage of paperiiiiAddition of environmental consciousness among staff & A ; pupilsiiiiiiiiiiMinimization of environmental impact due to stuffs and services used by the universityiiiiiiiiMinimization of environmental impact due to goiiiCare of university sites in an environmentally sensitive manneriiiiiiGreen buying for university procuranceiiiii1: Harvard University ( US ) , 2: University of Cambridge ( UK ) , 3: Yale University ( US ) , 4: University College London ( UK ) , 5: Imperial College London ( UK ) , 6: University of Oxford ( UK ) , 7: University of Chicago ( US ) , 8: Princeton University ( US ) , 9: Massac husetts Institute of Technology ( US ) , 10: California Institute of Technology ( US ) . With the turning concern on clime alteration around the Earth, most of the universities are taking this issue into consideration. For case, Harvard University proctors and publishes its nursery gas emanations statistics across its assorted schools in North America campus. As shown in their study ( Harvard, 2008 ) , the university managed to wholly diminish its nursery gas emanation to the sum of -2.3 % in twelvemonth 2008 compared to twelvemonth 2006 in their North America campus. At Harvard, they besides notice the issue of green edifices through specifying Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ( LEED ) undertakings. As mentioned in their environmental study ( ibid. ) , â€Å" LEED is a evaluation system for green edifices and provides a nationally accepted third-party confirmation that a edifice undertaking meets the highest public presentation criterions †. Similarly, in University of Cambridge, a pupil web named â€Å" Architecture sans Frontieres ( ASF ) †considers the possibilities of a new socially and environmentally responsible architecture. Through talks and exhibitions, this web aims to acquire people believing about how edifices can react to the demands of society and the environment ( Cambridge, 2007 ) . Yale University besides has an office of sustainability where they run assorted undertakings such as LEED evaluation. Similarly, California Institute of Technology utilizes the LEED criterion to guarantee its edifices meet and keep a high degree of energy, H2O and resource efficiency. In another case, Imperial College London was recognised by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers ( CIBSE ) for the attempts of the Facilities Management section to cut down its C production. Interestingly, University of Chicago has an interesting web site called â€Å" green usher †where they provide information related to wellness and environmental subjects at the University of Chicago and portion tips with visitants on how to populate a greenish life ( Chicago, 2006 ) . The university besides provided eco-tip of the month in its web site. Overall, all the studied universities take their environmental duty earnestly and are involved in this respect. Decision This survey showed that universe taking universities are cognizant of their environmental impacts and have taken necessary stairss toward sustainability. Many of them have defined one-year programs with aims to accomplish. This can be considered as a benchmark for other universities around the Earth. However, the key to success of such programs is commitment from all degrees of direction specially top leaders. As discussed by Wickenberg ( 2006 ) and cited by Axelsson et Al. ( 2008 ) , the norm support given by the leaders of the universities is necessary and important to success in local execution of sustainability programs. This is supported by the research of Christensen et Al. ( 2009 ) who showed that in malice of following an environmental policy and subscribing an understanding to work for sustainable universities, Aalborg University ( Denmark ) failed to make its aims due to the deficiency of committedness from top direction, the losing credence from proficient staff, and a nar row apprehension of the university ‘s environmental impacts. Other universities and their leaders can benchmark these programs and civilization to form their ain sustainability and environmental programs. Recognition The first writer would wish to thank Universiti Sains Malaysia ( USM ) for back uping this research through supplying Vice-Chancellor Award.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Green Mountain Coffee Essay
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters opened as a cafe in 1981 in Vermont. They roasted their own coffee and before long, demand grew and local restaurants and inns began to order their premium roasted coffee as well. Today the Company has extensive wholesale, direct mail and e-commerce operations. Green Mountain Coffee now has a distribution facility and two production sites in Vermont, and a manufacturing and warehousing facility in Knox County, TN ( GMCR’s operations are managed through two business units. The Specialty Coffee business unit produces coffee, tea and hot cocoa from its family of brands, including Tully’s Coffee, Green Mountain Coffee and Newman’s Own Organics coffee. The Keurig business unit is a leading manufacturer of gourmet single-cup brewing systems and markets its patented single-cup brewing systems for consumers at home and away-from-home. K-Cup portion packs for Keurig Single-Cup Brewers are produced by a variety of licensed brands, including Green Mountain Coffee, Starbucks, and Tully’s Coffee ( Keurig, Incorporated, which became a subsidiary of GMCR in 2006, is the second business unit of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc. Keurig was launched in 1990 by Peter Dragone and John Sylvan, who asked themselves why do we brew coffee by the pot when we drink it by the cup? From this question, the concept of Keurig K-Cup portion-pack brewing was born. Keurig brewing systems employ a design that utilizes single serving pods of coffee grounds that the machine pushes hot water through and into the waiting cup. The result is a fresh, hot cup of coffee that has not been sitting in the coffee pot waiting to be poured. In 1998, after eight years of development, Keurig released an industrial-strength, single-serve machine that delivered a perfect cup of coffee or tea every time. Keurig brewing systems employ a design that utilizes single serving pods of coffee grounds that the machine pushes hot water through and into the waiting cup. The result is a fresh, hot cup of coffee that has not been sitting in the coffee pot waiting to be poured. K-cups are offered in 249 varieties on the Keurig website. Most retail grocery stores sell several varieties of K-cups. There are two types of Keurig brewers, the K-cup system and the new Vue brewing system. There are 12 different K cup style brewers. In the spring of 2012, Keurig released a Vue brewing system that gives the consumer the ability to customize their drink by offering more cup size options and by brewing specialty beverages, such as lattes and cappuccinos. To date, there is only one model of the Vue brewing system available. Competitor Analysis The market for single-cup coffee brewers is a fairly new one and has very few companies selling single-cup brewing systems. The market is an oligopoly, with GMCR’s Keurig holding approximately 75 percent of the US market share (, followed by the Tassimo by Kraft, Nescafe’s Dolce Gusto and Senseo. The global leader is Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Nespresso system with 35 percent, followed by Senseo brewers with 18 percent, and Kraft Food’s Tassimo with 8 percent. Green Mountain ranks fourth globally with almost 8 percent (Geller & Dalal, 2012). Almost all of the coffee brewers in the market are priced between $75 and $175. For around $100, the consumer has a choice of a hand full of basic brewers. The single-cup brewers each have their own system with pods or cups that work exclusively with their machine. Most of the companies in the market make most of their profit from the sale of their coffee as opposed to their machines. Mr. Coffee released a new machine in the fall that is compatible with Keurig’s K-cups specifically to edge in on Keurig’s share of the market. It is compatible with Keurig’s K-cups and is less expensive to the consumer. The main competitors in the mainstream single-cup coffee system market in the United States are Keurig, Tassimo, and Senseo. The less competitive players in the market are Mr. Coffee and Nescafe, while Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Nespresso is currently the only serious contender in the high-end market in the United States. GMCR invests significant resources and capital in engineering and research and development in order to keep Keurig’s position as the leader in the single-cup brewing market. As a result, they have a strong and growing portfolio of market-leading, proprietary technology. Keurig’s integrated engineering team drives fast and original product development in brewers, portion packs, and high-speed packaging lines; all three areas that supported Keurig’s single-cup system. The engineering team at Keurig includes mechanical, software, and nutritional science, as well as quality assurance and industrial engineering. The company’s emphasis on quality products, easy-to-use features, and innovative technologies has earned Keurig high marks in customer satisfaction. GMCR started distribution of the new single-cup Keurig premium coffee system to office coffee service and food service providers in 1998. Keurig’s strategy to gain market share in the office market is to sell machines to distributors and encourage them to give the machines away or lease them for a small fee. The economics of the strategy works for distributors because the real profit is in selling K-Cups. Keurig sells it’s machines, both to distributors and to individual consumers, at near cost and gives the machines away or rents them cheaply to businesses, in order to secure the customer’s business. They make up the cost in less than six months just on the sales of their K-cups. Keurig has licensed several additional coffee roasters to package gourmet coffee and teas into K-Cups, all of which pay royalties to Keurig based on the number of K-Cups shipped. In addition to offering Green Mountain Coffee and Newman’s Own Organics and Celestial Seasonings Tea brands, which are packaged and sold by Green Mountain Coffee, Keurig offers several other North American K-Cup brands, such as Caribou, Folgers and most recently, Starbucks ( The weaknesses of GMCR’s Keurig are that the K-cups are not recyclable and create more waste than traditionally brewed coffee, since the cups are made of plastic and aluminum. The company has received some bad press for being not eco-friendly enough. Another significant weakness is that Keurig’s strategy relies heavily on selling K-cups. The company makes most of it’s profit from the sale of coffee. However, in the fall of 2012, two of Keurig’s patents expire and other companies will likely begin producing pods that are compatible with Keurig brewing systems. Already, there are reusable cups on the market that consumers can buy to fill with the ground coffee of their choice. Tassimo is made by Kraft and was first introduced to the market in 2004. There are three Tassimo single-cup brewers currently on the market. Tassimo brewers use non-reusable plastic beverage pods called Tassimo discs (T-Discs), which are produced by Kraft. Each has a barcode printed on its label, which the machine reads to calculate the amount of water, brewing time, and temperature for the specific beverage. The strengths of Tassimo’s strategy are centered around their unique barcode. While Keurig pods are pre-measured to have one amount, no matter how strong or how large you want your coffee, the barcode on the T-Disc tell the Tassimo brewer exactly how to make the perfect cup of the drink in the disc. Tassimo’s T-Discs also use liquid milk, instead of powdered milk in their T-Discs and is capable of making beverages with frothed milk ( The result is that the consumer can make better specialty drinks, such as lattes and cappuccinos in their Tassimo. Also, the market has already seen the introduction of reusable cups for the Keurig, that the consumer can fill with the ground coffee of their choosing. This is bad news for a company that makes virtually all of its profit from coffee sales. There are also reusable pods for the Senseo. Tassimo is the only system that is protected because of their unique barcode system. The weakness that is holding Tassimo back from taking more market share is the lack of popular brands of coffee available in T-Disc form. While Keurig has lots of big name coffees available in K-cup form, Tassimo’s most well-known brand available in T-Disc is Maxwell house. A very recent, and concerning, weakness is that Tassimo recalled 835,000 coffee makers in the United States and another 900,000 in Canada after dozens of reports of the brewers spraying hot liquid, coffee grounds or tea leaves ( There have been 140 reports of incidents with the brewers spraying hot liquid, coffee grounds or tea leaves onto consumers, including 37 reports of second-degree burn injuries. This is very bad for Tassimo because when people do internet research to help them decide which single-cup brewer is right for them, this recall is the first thing they will see. Senseo is made by Sara Lee, who recently bought the brand from Philips, and was one of the first single-cup brewers on the market in 2001. Unlike the other single-cup systems, the Senseo uses coffee â€Å"pods†instead of cups. The pods are made of coffee-filter paper and the consumer has the option to use one for a regular strength, or small, cup of coffee or to use two pods for a larger cup, such as a travel mug, or for a stronger cup of coffee. The ability to choose one or two pods is Senseo’s biggest strength. Reviews from coffee critics consistently give Senseo high marks in flavor and quality when compared to the other popular single-cup coffee systems. Senseo’s weaknesses are that they have built an unattractive brand image and that they do not have contracts with any well-known coffee companies and have very little variety in the coffee pods that are available. They produce 11 coffee blends, all under the Senseo name, for the Senseo brewer ( In an interview in February, Sara Lee’s Executive Chairman, Jan Bennink, told Reuters that the Senseo is â€Å"a very unsexy machine†( and that young people do not want to be associated with the brand. Market Analysis Worldwide coffee sales peaked at $70.86 billion in 2011. Sales of single-serve packets accounted for $5.75 billion of that, or 8 per cent (Geller & Dalal, 2012). The single-cup coffee market grew at a rate 31 percent from 2010. Most Americans who consume coffee are still drinking traditionally brewed coffee. Coffee brewed in a single-cup machine from a pod, K-cup or T-Disc cost more than twice as much as the average ground coffee brewed in a drip coffee maker. There are few barriers to entry into the single-cup coffee market. Companies that already have brand-name recognition are more able, and likely, to produce their own single-cup system. One barrier to entry is that there are already some highly recognized names in the market that will make it difficult for an unknown company to compete. Another barrier is the high cost of entry into the market. Developing the technology to create a single-cup brewing system that will take market share from the established players is a daunting task that will discourage small companies from attempting to move into the market. The most interesting potential entrant to the market is Starbucks. In March, 2012, they announced that they will be releasing a single-cup coffee system later this year (Andrejczak, 2012). This is interesting because Starbucks and GMCR struck a deal in 2011 to sell Starbucks coffee in K-cups. The K-cups have been a huge success for both companies. So far, both companies are denying that the release of Starbucks’ Verismo will negatively affect the sell of Keurig machines and K-cups. The Verismo is being marketed as a high-end, high-pressure, specialty coffee system, more similar to the Nespresso than the Keurig and Tassimo, but considering how popular the Starbucks K-cups are, it will be interesting to see how it’s release affects Keurig and the single-cup coffee market. The Nespresso is worth mentioning in the potential entrants section because although they have been making single-cup machines for some time, they are only recently trying to grow in the United States ma rket. They are opening small boutiques in major cities, most recently in San Francisco this year, and advertising on major television channels. They market their product as a high-end system, but it will be interesting to see how much of Keurig’s market share they take. The substitutes in the single-cup coffee brewer market are traditional drip brewer coffee makers, caffeinated sodas, energy drinks and coffee from a coffee house, such as Starbucks, or from a fast food restaurant. McDonalds has invested a lot of money and advertising in the last five years reinventing their image as a hip coffee shop. Consumers can now get good coffee and specialty coffee beverages like cappuccinos and frappuccinos through the drive-thru window at a reasonable cost. Suppliers have moderate bargaining power in the market. If companies that produce coffee do not want to put their coffee in K-Cup or T-Disc form, that hurts the companies that manufacture the brewing systems. Senseo has no relationship with coffee producers, and it has drastically affected their business. Customers have moderate bargaining power as well. Most of the pods, discs and cups for the systems are sold in grocery stores or mass merchandisers. If Wal-Mart throws their support behind one of the companies, that company is more than likely going to experience growth in sales, while the other companies will be negatively affected. Likewise, if customers decide that they do not agree with the values, cost, etc of one of the companies in the market, they can take their business elsewhere and the loss of sales would hurt the company. However, if they are particular about the brand of coffee that they drink, they are tied to the company that sells that brand in a form that can be brewed in their machine. Keurig is the only machine that sells Starbucks coffee, for example, at least until the Verismo debuts this fall.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Ethics and Morality in Modern Warfare Essays
Ethics and Morality in Modern Warfare Essays Ethics and Morality in Modern Warfare Essay Ethics and Morality in Modern Warfare Essay Restricted Warfare: Ethics and Morality In Modern Warfare. The Ethics of War In recent years, the world has seen a sharp rise in wars across the globe. What was meant to be the first century not scarred by war quickly turned Into a bloodbath In the wake of terrorist attacks In the united States and Europe. In response to these attacks on Cleveland populations the united States engaged In two preemptive wars on those who harbored terrorists. These wars have now been lasting for five years and recently the number of American and other Coalition soldiers fallen on the battlefield has risen to over 4000. These current issues that surround and heavily influence the world we live in makes us ask the question. How can these deaths and these wars be justified? The answer to this question is that, In a greater scope, although war is an undeniable evil, there exist worse things on this earth than death, and In times of great trial man has the moral obligation to use force In the hope of greater harmony for humanity. It is the tragic acceptance that war, within certain moral and ethical boundaries, can be Just, has been necessary, and will continue to be so as long as humans are capable of a greater evil. When speaking of Just war, there exist certain boundaries and rules that must be met to make It Just. First, In any case, because a war Is Just, it Is never considered a good act. It Is only permissible because It Is a lesser evil. Moreover, war must be carried out In a Just way. That Is to say, war must be Jus ad bellum (BBS), Just In cause, and Jus in belle (BBC just in how it is carried out. It is not impossible that a war that was just in cause was not carried out in a proper manner and therefore it became unjust. The best example would be the Balkans where both aggressors and fenders who had the noble cause of defending themselves, committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. Both sides appeared In front of the Hogue tribunals to be sanctioned for their actions. Jus ad bellum refers to the cause why the war Is fought. There exist certain criteria that must be met to make a war just. It must have a Just cause. It must be the last resort. There has to be a reasonable chance of success. The means to wage the war must be proportional to the end the nation seeks to achieve. If all these criteria are met, then we may Justify war. A war is just if it is against something worse than war itself. One of the best examples is to prevent genocide. If we look Into the past century, there have been multiple genocides from Armenia In 1915 to 1 923, to the Holocaust In the sasss and sasss and even more recently, Darker, Rwanda and Former Yugoslavia. In face of this much greater evil. It is humanity moral obligation to come in aid to the targeted population. Failure to do so in the appropriate manner only results in an even greater number of deaths, as was shown in the early years of WI when ally nations did not intervene to the ethnic cleansing of Germany, Austria, Poland and Bohemia. Ha ten allies cleared war, tense would nave Eden Tar Tower AAA In Eastern Europe in concentration camps. This is the ultimate proof that protecting innocence and important moral values sometimes requires the will to use force in proportion to the willingness to do evil of the aggressor. War is the final step when all other negotiation has failed and the cause is morally Justifiable. This Justification leads to the fact that Countries exist to defend their citizens and war is one of those means. Calculates famously suggested that war is the continuation of policy by other means. The very nature of the United Nations is to dissolve conflict before it turns to war, there exist many means of non violent resolution, and all of these should be tried first before engaging in war. However it should be noted that last resort refers to a sequence of time, where war is the final step, it is an argument that war should only be waged when all reasonable alternatives have been used. War should be the least preferred course of action, but not necessarily the course of action that isnt tried until after every other course of action has failed. (BBS). This is because dating can have the adverse effect that the enemy is inflicting more damage to a population while the others hesitate to engage in war, such as in the case of WI. In war, there must also be a reasonable chance of success. This perhaps the most controversial criteria as success is difficult to explain. It serves no purpose to be in a war against far superior powers to be slaughtered, this would be considered immoral and unjust as it is only sending men to their death. Yet, as is often the case of resistance and guerrilla movements, success is also preventing the enemy from establishing an unjust peace. Such as was the case in the invasion of Finland by the Red Army, or the resistance movements in France and Yugoslavia against the Nazi Finally, a war must be proportional to the ends that a nation seeks to Occupation. Achieve. This is even more relevant in the days of modern nuclear weapons and other indiscriminate weapons. Killing indiscriminately massive amounts of civilians cannot be regarded as acceptable in any case. This makes the use of any WIND contrary to the Just War theory. This leads us on to the second part of a Just war, jus in belle, or how a war should be conducted. There have been many arguments or and against in this area. Most say that war has certain limits of decency that should never be infringed, these include war crimes, crimes against humanity, the use of child combatants, killing Pops or civilians, and much more as is discussed in the U. N. Geneva Convention on Warfare. Others believe in unrestricted war or that in war everything is means to an end and that the use of force is always legitimate (Cool. Ciao, Cool. Wang). This theory however is uncommon in the west and is not pardonable in front of an international war tribunal, notably The Hogue. First, only combatants should be targeted in war. These include soldiers of all ranks as well as civilians who show a will to cause harm. Once again, this is subject to interpretation as military medical staff and chaplains are essentially non-combatants but are members of a military force while civilians who contribute to the manufacture or distribution of weapons and food to soldiers can be considered threats to the opposing force and can be regarded as targets. I short, is it wrong to bomb a factory that produces ammunition to kill soldiers from your forces? According to the Just war theory the answer would be no, if it will prevent more men room death than those incurred in the bombing. In conducting war, the force snouts De proportional, Tanat Is to say no more tan want Is anemia to wall ten war. This is a dilemma in the case of asymmetrical warfare where one large army such as the United States is confronted to poorly armed yet ferocious enemies willing to sacrifice themselves and civilian populations. Therefore, a town should never be razed unless there exists no other option viable to the success of the mission. It is certainly unethical to kill the soldiers of an army that has surrendered. In addition, paeans that cause unnecessary destruction or pain are considered unacceptable and lead to indictment for war crimes. If all the preceding conditions of Jus ad bellum and Jus in belle are met, the war is said to avoid a greater evil and is considered Just. War is thus the appropriate manner of action. Nevertheless, two very different approaches argue that this is not so. First is that the decision to wage war is governed by realism and relative strength, not ethics; morality thus has no use in war (BBS). The second is that all war is unjust and is never ethical. Yet both of hose appear illogical and irresponsible if the past and present world order is taken Although opponents to war under any circumstance, that is to say into account. Pacifists, are driven by the utmost respect for human life, this in no case makes them worthy humanists but rather people who are failing to carry out an important moral obligation The pacifist, it is said, refuses to take the brutal measures necessary for the defense of himself and his country, for the sake of maintaining his own inner moral purity. It is contended that the pacifist is thus a kind of free-rider, gathering all he benefits of citizenship while not sharing all its burdens (Water). This is because war is a last resort to ward Off greater evil. In short, all that is necessary for evil for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing (Edmund Burke). Secondly, Pacifism has no place in the face of extreme evil. For example, the war against Nazi Germany was a war against extreme wickedness (BBS). In the words of George Orwell, Since pacifists have more freedom of action in countries where traces of democracy survive, pacifism can act more effectively against democracy than for it. Objectively he pacifist is pro-Nazi. Pacifism can therefore be defined as the failure to carry out necessary measures to ensure harmony and peace, this because all other means have already been tried. On the other hand, another completely different theory opposes the Just war theory. It lies in the fact that the existence of nuclear, chemical and biological Wands can only be used for unrestricted war and so the condition of proportionality cannot be met if they are used. Moreover using these weapons guarantees massive, indiscriminate, civilian casualties, and thus breaks a basic rule of Jus ad belle (BBS). Because these weapons cannot be ignored and are ever more present in the stability of the current world order they make Just war theory useless and outdated. However, this theory relies on an outdated war theorem between two or more large and powerful nations. This is not the case of most modern wars, which are borderless and asymmetric. War is, however Just or unjust, a brutal enterprise. It is always a Pyrrhic victory that costs much to all involved. Meet it remains central to human history and social change. These two facts together might seem paradoxical and inexplicable, or they might reveal deeply disturbing facets of he human character. What is certainly true, in any event, is that war and its threat continue to be forces in our lives. Recent events graphically demonstrate this proposition, whether we think of the 9-11 attacks, the counter-attack on Afghanistan, ten overthrow AT Iraqs samara Hussein, ten Darter crawls In Sudan, ten Dongles In Madrid and London, or the on-going war on terror more generally. We all had high hopes going into the new millennium. (Rend) War is Justifiable because, although it is inarguably an evil endeavor, it is often the only means to end a much greater violation of the human body and spirit. Looking back into the dark and lamentable past of human crimes against his brother, we must see the absolute obligation to act in the hopes of a stable peace. When a man is struck by disease, it is sometimes necessary to amputate the already condemned parts to save the rest of the body. There is always a faint hope that it can be solved another way, but at times of trial there must be a decision to sacrifice to serve the greater good. It is a tragic acceptance that the death of dignity, innocence, and the future is ever more tragic than the death of oneself as well as the killing of others.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Away in a Manger in Spanish
Away in a Manger in Spanish Here is a Spanish version of Away in a Manger, a popular childrens Christmas song. Dont understand the words? Give your Spanish a boost with the grammar and vocabulary guide that follows. The song was originally written in English, and it isnt well known in Spanish-speaking countries. The author is unknown. Jesà ºs en pesebre Jesà ºs en pesebre, sin cuna, nacià ³;Su tierna cabeza en heno durmià ³.Los astros, brillando, prestaban su luzal nià ±o dormido, pequeà ±o Jesà ºs. Los bueyes bramaron y à ©l despertà ³,mas Cristo fue bueno y nunca llorà ³.Te amo, oh Cristo, y mà rame, sà ,aquà en mi cuna, pensando en ti. Te pido, Jesà ºs, que me guardes a mà ,amndome siempre, como te amo a ti.A todos los nià ±os da tu bendicià ³n,y haznos ms dignos de tu gran mansià ³n. English Translation of Spanish Lyrics Jesus in a manger, without a crib, was born;His tender heard slept on the hay.The sparkling stars shed their lightOn the baby asleep, little Jesus. The oxen bellowed and he awoke,But Christ was good and never cried.I love you, O Christ, and look at me, yes,Here in my crib, thinking about you. I ask you, Jesus, to keep watch over me,Loving me always, as I love you.Give your blessing to all the children,And make us more worthy of your great mansion. Vocabulary and Grammar Notes Pesebre: As you can guess by the title of the song, this is the word for manger, a type of box from which farm animals would eat. Because of its use in connection with the Christmas story, pesebre can also refer to a representation of the birth of Jesus, much like the English word creche. Nacià ³: Nacer translates the phrase to be born. Cuna: A crib or other small bed made specifically for a child or baby. Tierna: This word is often translated as tender and is frequently used, as here, as an adjective of affection. By being placed before the noun it refers to, tierna here helps convey an emotional meaning. Heno: Hay. Astro: Estrella is more frequently used for star than is astro. Brillando: This is the present participle of brillar, which can mean to glitter or sparkle. In standard Spanish, present participles function as adverbs, so brillando should be seen as an adverb modifying prestaban rather than as an adjective modifying astros. Prestaban: The verb prestar most often means to loan or to lend. However, it is often used, as here, to refer to providing or giving. Dormido: This is the past participle of dormir, meaning to sleep. Buey: Ox. Bramaron: Bramar refers to the groaning sound of an animal. Mas: Without the accent, mas typically means but. The word isnt used much in everyday speech, where pero is generally preferred. Sà : Sà most often means yes. As can the English word, sà can also be used as a way of affirming or emphasizing what has been said. Mà rame: The verb mirar can mean simply to look. In this context, however, it also carries the meaning of to watch over. Mà rame is a combination of two words, mira (watch over) and me (me). In Spanish it is common to attach object pronouns to the end of certain verb forms - commands, gerunds (see amndome below) and infinitives. Pensando en: In Spanish, the phrase for to think about is pensar en. Me guardes a mà : This is a redundancy. In everyday speech, me guardes (watch over me) would be sufficient. Although in speech the addition of the grammatically unnecessary a mà might be done for reasons of emphasis, here it is used to help provide the right number of syllables for the music. Amndome: This is a combination of two words, amando (loving) and me (me). Da: In this context, da is the imperative (command) form of dar (to give) used when speaking to a friend or family member. A todos los nià ±os da tu bendicià ³n: The standard word would place a todos los nià ±os after the verb. Spanish is more flexible with word order than English, however, so this sort of sentence structure isnt unusual, Haznos: Another combination of two words, haz (the imperative form of hacer, to make, used when speaking to a friend or family member), and nos (us). Mansià ³n: Usually a dwelling place, but sometimes specifically a mansion. In this context, tu gran mansià ³n figuratively refers to heaven.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Research problem definition Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Problem definition - Research Paper Example That is how loyalty marketing, not only in the hospitality industry but also in the whole business market, emerged as being necessary and ideal. Loyalty marketing is â€Å"the management process of identifying ‘best customers’ and utilizing customer data and insight to create, retain and grow profitable relationships.†(, 2011: p. 1). Loyalty marketing has become a key factor for success in the service industry over the past years (Bolton, Kannan & Bramlett, 2000; Levey, 2005). In such a highly competitive market, service providers in many industries have discovered the importance of customer retention (Shoemaker & Lewis, 1999). They recognize the fact that keeping their customers is just as important as creating them. Loyalty programs have now become so common in the hospitality industry that it is hard to find a business that does not have such a program. It is known that loyal customers make more purchases than non-loyal customers do, and they ar e less likely to switch to a competitor brand just because of price and other special promotions (Shoemaker & Lewis, 1999). The most essential theory of loyalty marketing is that a small increase in loyal customers can bring a significant increase in profitability to a business. Reichheld and Sasser (1990) found that a 5 % increase in customer retention resulted in up to a 125 % increase in profits in nine service industry groups they studied. Moreover, the Harvard Business Review discovered that a company can double its profits by retaining just 5% more of its customers (Maxted, 2005). In the changing global environment, it is not too much to say that all business firms are looking for innovative ways to increase customer loyalty, because customer loyalty has a very powerful impact on firms' performance and it is considered as a major source of competitive advantages (Lam, Shanker, Erramilli, & Murthy, 2004). Loyalty marketers are not just collecting customer data, but they are als o analyzing their customers’ behavior in order to have a better understanding and to make improvements. They want to know what types of rewards the customers are redeeming, what kinds of partner offers appeal to customers, and even the customers' lifestyle or preference. The knowledge that vendors gain from knowing their customers can be expected to bring a better chance of success (Capizzi et al., 2003). Overall, one of the most dominant trends of loyalty programs these days is the coalition model. Companies in different businesses are bonding together in order to share the branding, operational costs, marketing expenses, data, and customers. These multi-merchant loyalty coalition programs offer strong benefits to attract more customers by creating value (Capizzi et al., 2003). For example, hotels are partnering with other airlines, rental cars, restaurants, and even credit card companies and offering loyalty customers more opportunity to earn points and benefits. One of the world's most recognized hotel rewards program, the Marriott Rewards, has partnerships with Boston Coach, Chase, Hertz, Skymall, Air Canada, British Airways, American Airlines, and numerous other airline companies. Members of the Marriott rewards can also earn additional points via the Marriott rewards visa card issued by Bank One (Marriott International Inc., 2011). Another example of this type of loyalty program in the hotel industry is the Hilton HHonors offered by Hilton. Hilton HHonors has more than 55
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Traditional Chinese Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10
Traditional Chinese Culture - Essay Example The Chinese traditional distinct language is a cultural value that establishes a mutually tolerant and universally embraceable world order. Language is a communication symbol that connects the Chinese citizens with external contacts. This is because a person has to learn the traditional Chinese language in order to transact business with the locals (Zhang 9). The distinct grammatical and phonological set up of the language inspires interest among foreigners. Similarly, the unique writing style requires one to understand the sentence formation for easy communication. For instance, business interactions require the usage of a common communication model understood by all partners. The traditional Chinese language has been studied across the world because the country boasts of sophisticated industrial and technological advancements (Zhang10). As a result, this has inspired a mutually tolerant and universally embraceable world order where people from diverse backgrounds come together to l earn a common language. Religion is always a unifying element that brings together believers to embrace and accept each other. China has three main religious denominations that people profess to for spiritual nourishment and divine intervention. The Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have contributed to the Chinese civilization through their spiritual teachings. Buddhism is the most practiced religion in the country and spreads across other Asian nations (Zhang 15). The social and ethnic relevance of the religious associations has enabled the believers to develop their generation. It is apparent that Buddhism has had a remarkable contribution to Chinese civilization because most of the words and phrase used in the country have roots in the Buddhist origin.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sub-Saharan Africa - Essay Example The owners see wanting poverty level of the involved families as an easy way to even exploit them by giving meager earnings, which does not even commensurate with what they do. Hence, prompt them even using children in harvesting period who act as cheap labor for they given them much less compared to their adult counterparts (Freely Give Truth, 2013). Hence, prompting child labor statics augment instead of declining in these states. Many firms known to buy cocoa pressurize farmers into augmenting productivity without even minding their conditions for the crop’s demand globally is significantly high. The fact that they involve intermediaries who buy significant cocoa’s production from the farmers, make them have a huge influence on the farmers (Freely Give Truth, 2013). This way they create a monopoly and therefore they pay farmers as low as low as they want due to the great influence they have. This has prompted farmers yield to procuring children’s services for they are aware they will pay them meager wages, which translates to augmenting of child servitude statistics. There is no enough regulation to curb child labor since a child assisting in the farm is not legally wrong only if the child is involved in heavy work load. The government also has devised extremely low minimum pay, hence prompting the impoverished families to continuously wallow in poverty to the extent majority of them do not have any plan for future investments. Because many work to ensure they are capable of affording only day’s upkeep, which ought to be the case especially what they are producing fetches much global market. The CÃ ´te dIvoire regime together with cocoa buyers can effectively influence declining of this menace. In this case, the regime through devising adequate and effective policies barring farmers from employing children would be a good platform meant to start
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Working hard is always rewarded
Working hard is always rewarded Persuasive Essay: Success is due to hard work not luck Success has just as many faces as any other possible theme, depending on the society in which it is measured, and the character of the person who measures it. Wrongfully, many people confuse success is only associated with wealth: they assume that a persons triumph can be concluded from the expensiveness of his or her watch, car, or house. But will they be successful just because they are rich? Albert Schweitzer famously once said Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. For its only when you find satisfaction with what youre doing and dont dread facing every new day when your task has to be embarked upon, that you are really successful. Therefore, success should be not only being measured with wealth but also with happiness. Since time immemorial everybody has been striving for success which could fulfill many dreams. It is generally accepted that success is not easy to achieve and depended on a lot of factors, such as hard work, good luck, health condition or even the once-in-a-lifetime chance. Today, people are pushing, but in vain, for a shortcut to their desired successes. Through my lens, I have faith that a grand success primarily comes from hard work, and also from good luck partially. In this train of thought, I would say that I agree that success is the main consequence of hard work. Working hard is always rewarded- earning a lot of money or gaining personal achievements, just like when Im doing this essay, after so much effort being put in, it feels extremely rewarding to know that I have finally accomplished it. I believe that the vast majority of people, who have highly-paid jobs, have worked to death in order to fulfill their goals. It is common sight to see them having to work overtime in order to achieve what they set out for. Parents, teachers and friends promote the idea of working hard- they usually say Learn harder if you want to live better. In my opinion, when people are successful, they can easily measure the quality of their work. For instance, when Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics, he has not succeeded because of his luck. All of the inventions and theories were a result of his persistence, patience and hard work. What is more, an inspirational saying by the American poetess Marianne Moore goes Victory wont come to me unless I go to it, which manifestly indicates that the key to success is the hard work we have to make. Although others may argue that hard work does not guarantee success, it can be seen that many people of all professions have worked through the ranks to become what they are right now. They had worked hard for many years and ultimately they got success in their life and are currently enjoying their fruits of labour. Thus, it can be seen that hard work paves our way to success. Unlike luck, you can create success by working hard and not wait for success to befall. What makes Tiger Woods great? What made Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett the worlds premier investor? You think you know: Each was a natural who came into the world with a gift for doing exactly what he ended up doing. As Buffett told Fortune magazine not long ago, he was wired at birth to allocate capital. Its a one-in-a-million thing. Youve got it or you dont. Well, folks, its not so simple. For one thing, you do not possess a natural gift for a certain job, because targeted natural gifts dont exist. You are not a born CEO or investor or chess grandmaster. You will achieve greatness only through an enormous amount of hard work over many years, and not just any hard work, but work of a particular type thats demanding and painful. Buffett, for instance, is famed for his discipline and the hours he spends studying financial statements of potential investment targets. Also, Winston Church ill, one of the 20th centurys greatest orators, practiced his speeches compulsively. Vladimir Horowitz supposedly said, If I dont practice for a day, I know it. If I dont practice for two days, my wife knows it. If I dont practice for three days, the world knows it. That shows how much hard work and sheer determination he had to put in order to achieve his status. However, others may argue that luck is needed as you need the talent to begin with. The good news is that your lack of a natural gift is irrelevant talent has little or nothing to do with greatness. A perfect example is basketball legend Michael Jordan. Had Jordan possessed some mammoth natural gift specifically for basketball, it seems unlikely hed have been cut from his high school team. He gained his legendary status via brutal discipline of his daily routines. Through hard work, you can make yourself into any number of things, and you can even make yourself great. For most people, work is hard enough without pushing e ven harder. Those extra steps are so difficult and painful they almost never get done. Thats the way it must be. If success were easy, it wouldnt be rare. All of us have the potential to be successful by giving full expression to our strengths with sincere effort. You need to defined your goals and work towards it. You have to be consistent in what you do and putting in effort till you achieve your goals instead of relying on luck which will not guarantee you success, especially when it is random.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Alexander Pope Essay -- essays research papers
Alexander Pope The differences between eighteenth-century literature and romantic poems, with respect to history is constituted here. This is seen through the influential works of John Keats and Alexander Pope. These works are acknowledged as, "The Rape of Lock" and "The Eve of St. Agnes." Alexander Pope takes his readers on a hatred filled epic. A robust piece of literature and love induced psychoses in, "The Rape of Lock." On the other hand, "The Eve of St. Agnes" told a tale of life, love, death, and eternal fate in heaven. These two brilliant writers have given two magnificent poems. Pope exhibits many characteristics of a narcissistic human being. His independence in life shows through his writings in fiction. Which inevitably portray his deeper feelings of life. Popes' efforts here are of outstanding quality. However, his poem did fail to convince Arabella to rà ©sumà © her engagement to Lord Petre. Most of Pope's efforts here were written with time. Now, Keats has romantically serenaded his reader with descriptive lust and desire, which can be compared with popes' efforts by the difference in eighteenth century literature and romantic poems, their descriptive natures and ideas they portray to the reader through their writing. Pope has written an eighteenth-century poem which he calls, "An Hero- Comical Poem." This poem has exalted an over all sense of worthlessness for common rules. The mentioning of Achilles and the ever-popular Aeneas, are symbols of Pope's Gothic style. Pope speaks (almost) G-D like throughout, "The Rape of Lock." Contrary to Keats, who is more down-to-earth with his sense of realism in his writings. In the beginning of Keats romantic premise to life in St. Agnes, all is cold. The opening sequence brings a sense of realism to this bitter cold scene. Cold owls, rabbit's, and numb fingers on a holy, "Beads man." The Beads man symbolizes the sense of age and spirit. Much of this poem is a test of Keats inner soul or spirit. He has lead himself to St. Agnes for his own personal account of life in a time long gone. Keats' romantic style has brought visionary raw emotion to the aching hearts of all his readers. Then, both poems go separate ways in their tales of body and spirit. ... ... to see that life imitates art! Now, viewing both works in detail has brought out an arousal of insecurity and misunderstood quality. However, each has distinguished its own identity by its style. Referring back to the comparison of Pope and Keats styles can be quite an enhancement upon the cerebral context in each poem. Pope has strictly concerned himself with literary merit, and ghostly apparitions of old tales that haunt all writers of the possibility for brilliance. Keats however, has staked his claim as a romantic idealist of love and thought. Mind, body and soul are key factors in both of these works. Heaven is portrayed as a savior to man, and an unforsaken goal for others. Spirituality reigns deep within the hearts of both Keats and Pope. Consequence is not an issue, but the ability to repent through words of wisdom is. This is what keeps Keats and Pope sane(As well as many other writers, including myself). With wisdom comes age, and with desire comes lust. Therefore, romantic poets need to be preserved for their tremendous ability to stretch the common ability to comprehend all of life's trials and tribulations as seen here in all its glory!
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