Thursday, October 31, 2019
Traditional Chinese Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 10
Traditional Chinese Culture - Essay Example The Chinese traditional distinct language is a cultural value that establishes a mutually tolerant and universally embraceable world order. Language is a communication symbol that connects the Chinese citizens with external contacts. This is because a person has to learn the traditional Chinese language in order to transact business with the locals (Zhang 9). The distinct grammatical and phonological set up of the language inspires interest among foreigners. Similarly, the unique writing style requires one to understand the sentence formation for easy communication. For instance, business interactions require the usage of a common communication model understood by all partners. The traditional Chinese language has been studied across the world because the country boasts of sophisticated industrial and technological advancements (Zhang10). As a result, this has inspired a mutually tolerant and universally embraceable world order where people from diverse backgrounds come together to l earn a common language. Religion is always a unifying element that brings together believers to embrace and accept each other. China has three main religious denominations that people profess to for spiritual nourishment and divine intervention. The Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism have contributed to the Chinese civilization through their spiritual teachings. Buddhism is the most practiced religion in the country and spreads across other Asian nations (Zhang 15). The social and ethnic relevance of the religious associations has enabled the believers to develop their generation. It is apparent that Buddhism has had a remarkable contribution to Chinese civilization because most of the words and phrase used in the country have roots in the Buddhist origin.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Sub-Saharan Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sub-Saharan Africa - Essay Example The owners see wanting poverty level of the involved families as an easy way to even exploit them by giving meager earnings, which does not even commensurate with what they do. Hence, prompt them even using children in harvesting period who act as cheap labor for they given them much less compared to their adult counterparts (Freely Give Truth, 2013). Hence, prompting child labor statics augment instead of declining in these states. Many firms known to buy cocoa pressurize farmers into augmenting productivity without even minding their conditions for the crop’s demand globally is significantly high. The fact that they involve intermediaries who buy significant cocoa’s production from the farmers, make them have a huge influence on the farmers (Freely Give Truth, 2013). This way they create a monopoly and therefore they pay farmers as low as low as they want due to the great influence they have. This has prompted farmers yield to procuring children’s services for they are aware they will pay them meager wages, which translates to augmenting of child servitude statistics. There is no enough regulation to curb child labor since a child assisting in the farm is not legally wrong only if the child is involved in heavy work load. The government also has devised extremely low minimum pay, hence prompting the impoverished families to continuously wallow in poverty to the extent majority of them do not have any plan for future investments. Because many work to ensure they are capable of affording only day’s upkeep, which ought to be the case especially what they are producing fetches much global market. The CÃ ´te dIvoire regime together with cocoa buyers can effectively influence declining of this menace. In this case, the regime through devising adequate and effective policies barring farmers from employing children would be a good platform meant to start
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Working hard is always rewarded
Working hard is always rewarded Persuasive Essay: Success is due to hard work not luck Success has just as many faces as any other possible theme, depending on the society in which it is measured, and the character of the person who measures it. Wrongfully, many people confuse success is only associated with wealth: they assume that a persons triumph can be concluded from the expensiveness of his or her watch, car, or house. But will they be successful just because they are rich? Albert Schweitzer famously once said Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. For its only when you find satisfaction with what youre doing and dont dread facing every new day when your task has to be embarked upon, that you are really successful. Therefore, success should be not only being measured with wealth but also with happiness. Since time immemorial everybody has been striving for success which could fulfill many dreams. It is generally accepted that success is not easy to achieve and depended on a lot of factors, such as hard work, good luck, health condition or even the once-in-a-lifetime chance. Today, people are pushing, but in vain, for a shortcut to their desired successes. Through my lens, I have faith that a grand success primarily comes from hard work, and also from good luck partially. In this train of thought, I would say that I agree that success is the main consequence of hard work. Working hard is always rewarded- earning a lot of money or gaining personal achievements, just like when Im doing this essay, after so much effort being put in, it feels extremely rewarding to know that I have finally accomplished it. I believe that the vast majority of people, who have highly-paid jobs, have worked to death in order to fulfill their goals. It is common sight to see them having to work overtime in order to achieve what they set out for. Parents, teachers and friends promote the idea of working hard- they usually say Learn harder if you want to live better. In my opinion, when people are successful, they can easily measure the quality of their work. For instance, when Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for Physics, he has not succeeded because of his luck. All of the inventions and theories were a result of his persistence, patience and hard work. What is more, an inspirational saying by the American poetess Marianne Moore goes Victory wont come to me unless I go to it, which manifestly indicates that the key to success is the hard work we have to make. Although others may argue that hard work does not guarantee success, it can be seen that many people of all professions have worked through the ranks to become what they are right now. They had worked hard for many years and ultimately they got success in their life and are currently enjoying their fruits of labour. Thus, it can be seen that hard work paves our way to success. Unlike luck, you can create success by working hard and not wait for success to befall. What makes Tiger Woods great? What made Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett the worlds premier investor? You think you know: Each was a natural who came into the world with a gift for doing exactly what he ended up doing. As Buffett told Fortune magazine not long ago, he was wired at birth to allocate capital. Its a one-in-a-million thing. Youve got it or you dont. Well, folks, its not so simple. For one thing, you do not possess a natural gift for a certain job, because targeted natural gifts dont exist. You are not a born CEO or investor or chess grandmaster. You will achieve greatness only through an enormous amount of hard work over many years, and not just any hard work, but work of a particular type thats demanding and painful. Buffett, for instance, is famed for his discipline and the hours he spends studying financial statements of potential investment targets. Also, Winston Church ill, one of the 20th centurys greatest orators, practiced his speeches compulsively. Vladimir Horowitz supposedly said, If I dont practice for a day, I know it. If I dont practice for two days, my wife knows it. If I dont practice for three days, the world knows it. That shows how much hard work and sheer determination he had to put in order to achieve his status. However, others may argue that luck is needed as you need the talent to begin with. The good news is that your lack of a natural gift is irrelevant talent has little or nothing to do with greatness. A perfect example is basketball legend Michael Jordan. Had Jordan possessed some mammoth natural gift specifically for basketball, it seems unlikely hed have been cut from his high school team. He gained his legendary status via brutal discipline of his daily routines. Through hard work, you can make yourself into any number of things, and you can even make yourself great. For most people, work is hard enough without pushing e ven harder. Those extra steps are so difficult and painful they almost never get done. Thats the way it must be. If success were easy, it wouldnt be rare. All of us have the potential to be successful by giving full expression to our strengths with sincere effort. You need to defined your goals and work towards it. You have to be consistent in what you do and putting in effort till you achieve your goals instead of relying on luck which will not guarantee you success, especially when it is random.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Alexander Pope Essay -- essays research papers
Alexander Pope The differences between eighteenth-century literature and romantic poems, with respect to history is constituted here. This is seen through the influential works of John Keats and Alexander Pope. These works are acknowledged as, "The Rape of Lock" and "The Eve of St. Agnes." Alexander Pope takes his readers on a hatred filled epic. A robust piece of literature and love induced psychoses in, "The Rape of Lock." On the other hand, "The Eve of St. Agnes" told a tale of life, love, death, and eternal fate in heaven. These two brilliant writers have given two magnificent poems. Pope exhibits many characteristics of a narcissistic human being. His independence in life shows through his writings in fiction. Which inevitably portray his deeper feelings of life. Popes' efforts here are of outstanding quality. However, his poem did fail to convince Arabella to rà ©sumà © her engagement to Lord Petre. Most of Pope's efforts here were written with time. Now, Keats has romantically serenaded his reader with descriptive lust and desire, which can be compared with popes' efforts by the difference in eighteenth century literature and romantic poems, their descriptive natures and ideas they portray to the reader through their writing. Pope has written an eighteenth-century poem which he calls, "An Hero- Comical Poem." This poem has exalted an over all sense of worthlessness for common rules. The mentioning of Achilles and the ever-popular Aeneas, are symbols of Pope's Gothic style. Pope speaks (almost) G-D like throughout, "The Rape of Lock." Contrary to Keats, who is more down-to-earth with his sense of realism in his writings. In the beginning of Keats romantic premise to life in St. Agnes, all is cold. The opening sequence brings a sense of realism to this bitter cold scene. Cold owls, rabbit's, and numb fingers on a holy, "Beads man." The Beads man symbolizes the sense of age and spirit. Much of this poem is a test of Keats inner soul or spirit. He has lead himself to St. Agnes for his own personal account of life in a time long gone. Keats' romantic style has brought visionary raw emotion to the aching hearts of all his readers. Then, both poems go separate ways in their tales of body and spirit. ... ... to see that life imitates art! Now, viewing both works in detail has brought out an arousal of insecurity and misunderstood quality. However, each has distinguished its own identity by its style. Referring back to the comparison of Pope and Keats styles can be quite an enhancement upon the cerebral context in each poem. Pope has strictly concerned himself with literary merit, and ghostly apparitions of old tales that haunt all writers of the possibility for brilliance. Keats however, has staked his claim as a romantic idealist of love and thought. Mind, body and soul are key factors in both of these works. Heaven is portrayed as a savior to man, and an unforsaken goal for others. Spirituality reigns deep within the hearts of both Keats and Pope. Consequence is not an issue, but the ability to repent through words of wisdom is. This is what keeps Keats and Pope sane(As well as many other writers, including myself). With wisdom comes age, and with desire comes lust. Therefore, romantic poets need to be preserved for their tremendous ability to stretch the common ability to comprehend all of life's trials and tribulations as seen here in all its glory!
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethical Issues in Work Groups Essay
Therapeutic pressure, unlike undue pressure, enables members of a group to help each other discover their individual answers without pressurizing them to accept the answers deemed appropriate by the group. Group thinking enhances unanimity, mental efficiency and moral judgement that are appropriate which each person (William, 1995). In the first five sessions, the leader acted ethically since he provided ample time to explore the views, fears, expectations and interpersonal relationships of the members. He also told them about the risks of potential changes that may occur after the session and assessed their preparedness. However, the leader failed the ethical test in the sixth session by asking Kevin to develop romantic feelings towards Lydia yet she was not his partner (Jameson, 2001). Kevin had already confessed that it was against his religious convictions and commitment on monogamous relationship. He failed to respect Kevin’s values and imposed his own belief on the client. If I was Ryan’s co-leader, I would have delayed the role-play experiment until such a time when we could have gathered enough information that does not compromise the values of each individual. In addition, giving Kevin an ultimatum to complete his assignment was undue pressure since it conflicted with his values and the duties he was given (Herlihy & Corey, 2005). Although a group leader might have been faced with the dilemma of identifying personal issues that do not conflict with other members, he had to perform a thorough background check to get enough information that could have enabled him to make informed decisions (McKee, 2004). This would have enabled him to respect the cultural diversity present within group members. To develop Kevin’s assertiveness, I would have invited Hannah and coached Kevin on how he ought to treat her in his first assignment. If this does not prove effective, Kevin’s partner should then be included in the counselling sessions so that the leader can evaluate the source of the problem in the relationship. References Herlihy, B. , Corey, G. (2005). ACA Ethical Standards Casebook. Alexandria, VA, American Counselling Association Jameson, R. (2001). Foundations of Ethical Practice in Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates McKee, L. (2004). A Historical Perspective Approach for Practicing Managers to Improve Ethics. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 9, p. 22-24 William, G. (1995). Ethical and legal Issues in Group Counselling. Journal of Ethics and Behavior, Vol. 5, p. 10
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Brief Gonzales V. Raich
The case entitled ALBERTO R. GONZALES, ATTORNEYT GENERAL, et al. , PETITIONERS v. ANGEL McCLARY RAICH et al had the case no 03 – 1454. This was a case filed in the United States of America Supreme Court. The case was formerly known as the Ashcroft v. Raich. Substantive Facts The respondents, before the case was filed were growing and consuming cannabis. This is in accordance with the fact that they use the marijuana for medical purpose.The growing and consumption activities were authorized by the state of California; the Controlled Substances Act of the federal government had confiscated the medicines and drugs that were derived from the marijuana plants. Because of the confiscation of the drugs that were from marijuana, the respondents had posted a claim that the infliction of the CSA against them is a violation in the Commerce Clause. The inflictions also had violated the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment including the 9th and 10th amendments.Medical necessity is als o claimed to be violated with the inflictions of the Controlled Substance Act (AudioCaseFiles, 2007). It was noted that California is a state wherein the use of marijuana for medical purpose is allowed. Without the drugs derived from marijuana, there would be so much pain experienced by the patients and death could result from those pains. Procedural History Angel Raich together with her companions in the field of medicine had sued the government because of the interference done by the federal government to their endeavor of using marijuana for medical purposes.Their claim is that the federal government had violated the constitution since it is constitutionally right to use marijuana for it (marijuana) was permitted to be used within the premises of the California State. Moreover, the claim included that the marijuana used by the California’s Medical co-ops are not in the name of commerce, nor did they bought the drugs from other states. Thus, the resources used for growing t he marijuana plants were only obtained within the premises of the State of California.Another claim from the Angel Raich was that she had used marijuana to prevent herself from dying because her doctor had claimed that she has allergies to the medicines she was prescribed. The federal government on the other hand claims that it was written in the Controlled Substances Act that it does not permit the legal use of marijuana in terms of medical purposes. Moreover, when the California State will not cease in using marijuana, it would be unfair for the other states not to also use marijuana for medical purpose.Their claim is not to permit exemption in using marijuana as stated in the US Federal Law. Broad and Narrow Holdings There is a general rule in the Constitution of the United States of America that the constitution is not allowing or permitting police powers to be carried by the federal government. But it was also stated in a clause in the US Constitution that it the federal govern ment will have this limited power in terms of commerce regulation in other countries and within the several states of the country. The clause that had given a limited power to the federal government is the Commerce Clause.As written in the history of the Commerce Clause, the federal government did only a very little interference with the activities done in the states of the country. The case of Angel Raich is quite simple not like the several cases filed in the Cumpreme Court of the United States. It was very clear that there was no commerce that had undergone in the course of the marijuana usage by the California Medical Co-op. All the activities done by the Raich and company had been within the California State and it was clear that the drugs were purely used for treating illness and diseases, specifically used also by Raich (Guither, 2007).Doctrinal and Policy Reasoning The case of Wickward v. Filburn which is related to the wheat production was used t ocompare the Raich’s case. In the wheat production case which was also commerce related case, the farmers are regulate the production of wheat in order to have a control in the volume of wheat that is transported within the states of the country. Filburn had a process did not violate the law because he only sold a portion of his wheat and other wheat produced was used for home consumption and other purposes. Filburn had lost the case considering the unsold portion of the wheat (Guither, 2007).Miscellaneous Justice Sandra Day O'Connor who presented a dissent of the GONZALES V. RAICH case started her statement by citing come of the relevant issues that are related to the case. She had stated the action done by the Commerce Clause authority was related to the Federalism issue among the states. Federalism is the one which encourage innovation if the state of California had agreed to be the laboratory of the entire country and will have the role of doing and performing experiments and studies which would no t affect the country.It is a federal crime according to Justice O’Connor to grow marijuana in your backyard and use it for medical purposes but if the state of California was considered to be a laboratory, then the use of marijuana (for medical purposes) is not a question (Cornell University Law School, 2007). Justice Clarence Thomas had also written a separate dissent of the case. He mentioned that the cultivation as well as consumption of marijuana done by the respondents is not included running in the commerce industry since there was no production for marketing done nor the respondents had bought materials for the cultivation.Thus, there was no strong evidence that the respondents had violated the Commerce Clause or even any law that was listed in the Constitution. The federal government in return should not have prohibited such activities (Cornell University Law School, 2007). Literature Cited: AudioCaseFiles. (2007). Gonzales v. Raich. Retrieved September 12, 2007 from http://www. audiocasefiles. com/cases/detail/case/8834/ Cornell University Law School (2007). Supreme Court Colloection; GONZALES V. RAICH (03-1454) 545 U. S. 1 (2005) 352 F. 3d 1222, vacated and remanded. Retrieved September 12, 2007 from cornell. edu/supct/html/03-1454. ZD1. html Cornell University Law School (2007). Supreme Court Colloection; GONZALES V. RAICH (03-1454) 545 U. S. 1 (2005) 352 F. 3d 1222, vacated and remanded. Retrieved September 12, 2007 from http://www. law. cornell. edu/supct/html/03-1454. ZD. html Curtis, Parker, Douglas, Finkleman (2007). Constitutional Law in Context. Volume 1. Second Edition. Guither, Pete. (2007). Raich v. Ashcroft – A Guide to the Supreme Court Case. Drug Warrant. com. Retrieved September 12, 2007 from http://blogs. salon. com/0002762/stories/2004/11/23/raichVAshcroftAGuideToTheS. html
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