Saturday, May 23, 2020
MBA operation management Firms, in seeking competitive advantage, develop an operations strategy Free Essay Example, 1750 words
In accordance with a definition given by the Encyclopedia of Management (2006) ‘a qualifier is a competitive characteristic a firm or product must be able to exhibit to be a viable competitor in the marketplace; an order winner is a competitive characteristic of a product or service that causes a customer to choose this firms product or service rather than that of a competitor (distinctive competence)’. In the firms under examination the role of four specific criteria – using other as order qualifiers and order winners – will be explored tried to locate their influence on the development of the various operational activities of the particular firms. These criteria are the following ones: price/cost, quality, service, and flexibility. Specific figures will be used in each firm (acquired from each firm’s financial statements) in order to support the relevant arguments. A1. Toyota The operations management of firms operating in the automotive industry may be slightly differentiated from that applied on firms within other industrial sectors. The specific issue was examined by Lowe et al. (1997) who came to the conclusion – after made a research on the operations management practices followed by 71 firms that operate in the automotive industry around the world – that ‘tight process control and closely integrated operations are more productive; work organization and human resource policies associated with the lean production model do not represent a universal best way for achieving high manufacturing performance’ (Lowe et al. , 1997, 783). We will write a custom essay sample on MBA operation management: Firms, in seeking competitive advantage, develop an operations strategy or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page It is clear that the global financial crisis do not affect the firm’s performance (at least up to now); the reasons for the continuous improvement of the firm’s profitability can be identified in the operations management scheme applied on the firm’s branches worldwide – referring especially to the Orders Qualifiers and the Orders Winners – as elements of the firm’s success within its industry.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Media Violence And The Media Essay - 864 Words
Exposure to the media violence may be especially problematic in late adolescence. Television and other media play a major role in adolescent socialization and identity development by providing perspectives, values, ideologies, and behavior models (Arnett G., Roberts D. et al.). The socializing role of television in particular may be ampliï ¬ ed by the large amount of time young people spend with this medium. Speciï ¬ cally, 18- to 24-year-olds spend more time watching television and movies than younger youth (Center for Research Excellence 2009). In order to understand the violence in media as a threat to society, an understanding of why and how violent media cause aggression is vital. In fact, psychological theories that explain why media violence is such a threat are now well established. These theories also explain why the observation of television violence stimulates aggressive behavior in the observer. The major concern, a substantial portion of television programs and movies contains violence, deï ¬ ned as ‘‘visual portrayals of acts of physical aggression by one human against another’’ (Huesmann, T.). In this paper, I will investigate the effects of television on society, because it is important to know how television influences social life. Considerably studies has been written about the effects of television. It is very difficult to determine them, because television is a manifestation of society. Several studies have shown that in the long run, habitual exposure to theShow MoreRelatedViolence in the Media1047 Words  | 5 Pagesa law that bans violence in the media: in movies, on TV, in video games, and on the Internet? Adi Shimony Golden Gate University Today, media take a major part of our lives, shape our society and create reality. The Banning violence in the media is an efficient approach the government should take to handle the growing violence in our society. I argue that the US Government should make a law that bans violence in the media. The law needs to limit broadcasting of violence content at timesRead MoreMedia Violence1535 Words  | 7 Pagesat looking at the potentially harmful effects of the consumption of violent media and the impact it has on psychological factors. Two psychological factors that have been researched are empathy and aggression and how violent media influences these two emotions. Theories that have tried explaining the pathway from the viewing of violence in media and the impact on aggression have generally focused on the role of violent media being used by consumers as observational learning and promoting the developmentRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence In The Media1212 Words  | 5 Pages Introduction With the recent increase in media presence throughout the world, there has also been an increase in violence portrayed through the media. Media violence is believed to be causing aggression in today’s youth and society. This paper will examine the potential reasons on how media violence is causing aggression Review of Literature In a study conducted, media psychologists, mass communication scientists, pediatricians, and parents all completed an anonymous online survey that asked whetherRead MoreMedia Violence1105 Words  | 5 Pages Censorship of Violence in Popular Entertainment is NOT Justified â€Å"When I was at church they taught me something else/ If you preach hate at the service those words arent anointed/ That holy water that you soak in has been poisoned/ When everyone else is more comfortable remaining voiceless/ Rather than fighting for humans that have had their rights stolen/ I might not be the same, but thats not important/ No freedom till were equal, damn right I support it.†These are lyrics from a songRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On The Media Essay1111 Words  | 5 PagesThe media has become one of the main sources where people obtain their information from. This information can be taken in knowingly, or through subliminal messages. The media like magazines, videos, commercials, television shows, and movies. Since, media has major influence over the public; violence being portrayed in the media is causing problems. Violence against women in the media has been happening for decades. The violence has been taking shape in many forms, as in emotional and physical violenceRead MoreMedia Violence1142 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen calculated that American kids see about 200,000 acts of violence and 25,000 murders on television by the time they reach age eighteen. (Schleifer 18) Arrests of people under the age of eighteen for violent crimes rose forty-seven percent from 1988 to 1992. (Miller 174) The American Medical Association conducted a study that found a direct relationship between viewing and homicide. (Miller 176) Does this kind of overexposure to violence have a significant effect on children and teenagers? The answerRead MoreMedia Violence9754 Words  | 40 Pagesare among the greatest of imitatorsÂ… The debate over media violence has eluded definitive answers for more then three decades. At first glance, the debate is dominated by one question. Whether or not media violence causes real life violence and whether or not it has a negative effect of the modern day Canadian family. Closer examination reveals a political battle. On one hand, there are those who blame media violence for societal violence and want to censor violent content to protect our childrenRead MoreMedia, Violence, And Violence Essay1892 Words  | 8 Pageswould be the media. Media and violence are both very wide and broad concepts that have massive impacts in our society, and it is important to distinguish their relationship with each other. The types of media are things such as violent video games, films, newspapers, magazines and television. One particular type of media that is often very problematized is violent video games. Different studies have shown convincing and unconvincing correlational in regards to the media and violence, but to whomRead MoreThe Violence Of The Media2018 Words  | 9 Pagesit was intended. With so many media outlets present in everyday life, it is not hard to imagine there being many concerns regarding violence in the media. This essay looks to explore why there is concerns regarding violence in the media, focusing on the glorification of violence. The essay will also look at the different types of media outlets, i.e. the music industry, film, television, internet and gaming, and how each of them may present a glorification of violence. The essay will look at the caseRead MoreMedia, Violence, And Violence Essay1949 Words  | 8 Pageswould be the media. Media and violence are both very wide and broad concepts that have massive impacts in our society, and it is important to distinguish their relationship with each other. The types of media are things such as violent video games, films, newspapers, magazines and television. One particular type of media that is often very problematized is violent video games. Different studies have shown convincing and unconvincing correlational in regards to the media and violence, but to whom
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reflecting on Wisdom Free Essays
Reflecting On Wisdom PSY 220 March 9, 2013 Colleen Moore Reflecting On Wisdom The attributes that are commonly associated with wise people are: Reasoning Ability, Sagacity, Learning from Ideas and the Environment, Judgment, Expeditious use of Information and Perspicacity. Reasoning Ability is the uncommon ability to look at a problem and solve it through good logical reasoning ability, by applying knowledge to particular problems, by integrating information and theories in new ways, and by possessing a huge store of knowledge. Sagacity is the keen understanding of human nature, thoughtfulness, fairness, good listening abilities, knowledge of self and placing value on the advice and knowledge of others. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflecting on Wisdom or any similar topic only for you Order Now Learning from Ideas and the Environment places value on ideas, is perceptive, and learns from others’ mistakes. Judgment has good sensible judgment at all times, takes a long-term rather than a short-term view, and thinks before acting and speaking. Expeditious use of Information learns and retains information from experience (both mistakes and successes), willingness to change one’s mind based on new experience. Perspicacity Demonstrates perceptiveness, intuition, ability to see through things, read between the lines; and discern the truth and the right thing to do. (Bumgardener Crothers, 2009) A person I believe would be wise would be Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ who is known from the Bible as the son of God. (II Samuel 7:12-14 King James Bible) Jesus had all six of the characteristics named in the above paragraph. Jesus who was the son of God was sent to the world to save the world to teach the gospels and to help save the world from sin. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life†(John 3:16 King James Bible). Jesus went to many cities throughout his life preaching the gospels and healing the six, casting our demons and raising the dead. Any person who believed that Jesus was the son of God and had enough faith would be healed. (John 4:43-54 King James Bible) Jesus was a very wise man be cause he studied the gospels, he spent many hours in prayer, and he also went to the tabernacles to learn and to preach and to heal those in need of healing. Mark 1:21-28, Luke 4:31-37) Jesus was a very compassionate man and when people who had the faith would cry out to him for healing he would heal them because their faith was very strong. An example of this would be when Jesus had left the city of Jericho he had a mass following of people traveling with him when they had come upon two blind men. The blind men heard the crowd and asked what was going on and once they were told they had cried out to Jesus to not pass them by and to please heal them of their blindness. The crowd that was following Jesus tried to rebuke them because they figured the blind men weren’t worthy enough for a healing or they just did not want the blind men to bother Jesus, but the blind men cried out to Jesus in persistence because they believed and had the faith to know that Jesus could heal them, Jesus then called out to the blind men and asked what they wanted and they had said they wanted their eye sight back, so Jesus seeing that they had the faith told them to arise and that because of their faith they were healed and could see again. Once the Blind men were healed they followed Jesus and were glorifying God. Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43 King James Bible) Jesus was wise in the ways that he taught his parables. For example in (Luke 10:25-42 King James Bible), a man who was an expert in the law decided to test Jesus by asking him â€Å"Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? †Jesus then said to the man, â€Å"What is written in the law? How do you read it? The man answered â€Å"Though shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they mind; and they neighbors as thyself. Jesus then said to the man â€Å"Thou has answered right: this do and thou shalt live. Again the man wanted to justify himself so he asked Jesus â€Å"Who is my neighbor? †Jesus then replied to him with a story about a man who had come from Jerusalem to Jericho and ran into some thieves who stripped the man of his clothes and beat him half to death and then left. The man who had been beaten lay on the ground and had been passed by two people who looked at him and left without helping the man. A third man â€Å"The Good Samaritan†came by and saw the wounded man on the ground and had left but came back with supplies to clean the wounded man and bandage him up. Then the Good Samaritan took him to an inn to take care of him. The next day the good Samaritan man got up and before he left, he gave the inn keeper money and told the inn keeper and told him to take care of the wounded man and that any extra money that the inn keeper has to use he will repay him once he returns. Then once Jesus was finished with the story he said to the man who was and expert in the law â€Å"Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among thieves? â€Å" The man then said â€Å"He that shewed mercy on him. †Then Jesus said â€Å"Go and do thou Likewise. †One of the attributes I believe I have fully developed would be Judgment. I may not always use the best judgment at all times, but I feel that my judgment is usually sensible and thought out as sensible as I can make it. When something comes up that I have to use my judgment for, I try to sit and think it through as much as possible to find the best possible outcome for the solution. I feel that I would need to fully develop all of the attributes discussed in chapter 10 of the reading. These are things that every person has to learn throughout their lives and will continue to develop through the years. Reference (Bumgardener Crothers, 2009) (King James Bible) How to cite Reflecting on Wisdom, Essay examples Reflecting on Wisdom Free Essays Reflecting On Wisdom PSY 220 March 9, 2013 Colleen Moore Reflecting On Wisdom The attributes that are commonly associated with wise people are: Reasoning Ability, Sagacity, Learning from Ideas and the Environment, Judgment, Expeditious use of Information and Perspicacity. Reasoning Ability is the uncommon ability to look at a problem and solve it through good logical reasoning ability, by applying knowledge to particular problems, by integrating information and theories in new ways, and by possessing a huge store of knowledge. Sagacity is the keen understanding of human nature, thoughtfulness, fairness, good listening abilities, knowledge of self and placing value on the advice and knowledge of others. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflecting on Wisdom or any similar topic only for you Order Now Learning from Ideas and the Environment places value on ideas, is perceptive, and learns from others’ mistakes. Judgment has good sensible judgment at all times, takes a long-term rather than a short-term view, and thinks before acting and speaking. Expeditious use of Information learns and retains information from experience (both mistakes and successes), willingness to change one’s mind based on new experience. Perspicacity Demonstrates perceptiveness, intuition, ability to see through things, read between the lines; and discern the truth and the right thing to do. (Bumgardener Crothers, 2009) A person I believe would be wise would be Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ who is known from the Bible as the son of God. (II Samuel 7:12-14 King James Bible) Jesus had all six of the characteristics named in the above paragraph. Jesus who was the son of God was sent to the world to save the world to teach the gospels and to help save the world from sin. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life†(John 3:16 King James Bible). Jesus went to many cities throughout his life preaching the gospels and healing the six, casting our demons and raising the dead. Any person who believed that Jesus was the son of God and had enough faith would be healed. (John 4:43-54 King James Bible) Jesus was a very wise man be cause he studied the gospels, he spent many hours in prayer, and he also went to the tabernacles to learn and to preach and to heal those in need of healing. Mark 1:21-28, Luke 4:31-37) Jesus was a very compassionate man and when people who had the faith would cry out to him for healing he would heal them because their faith was very strong. An example of this would be when Jesus had left the city of Jericho he had a mass following of people traveling with him when they had come upon two blind men. The blind men heard the crowd and asked what was going on and once they were told they had cried out to Jesus to not pass them by and to please heal them of their blindness. The crowd that was following Jesus tried to rebuke them because they figured the blind men weren’t worthy enough for a healing or they just did not want the blind men to bother Jesus, but the blind men cried out to Jesus in persistence because they believed and had the faith to know that Jesus could heal them, Jesus then called out to the blind men and asked what they wanted and they had said they wanted their eye sight back, so Jesus seeing that they had the faith told them to arise and that because of their faith they were healed and could see again. Once the Blind men were healed they followed Jesus and were glorifying God. Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43 King James Bible) Jesus was wise in the ways that he taught his parables. For example in (Luke 10:25-42 King James Bible), a man who was an expert in the law decided to test Jesus by asking him â€Å"Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life? †Jesus then said to the man, â€Å"What is written in the law? How do you read it? The man answered â€Å"Though shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they mind; and they neighbors as thyself. Jesus then said to the man â€Å"Thou has answered right: this do and thou shalt live. Again the man wanted to justify himself so he asked Jesus â€Å"Who is my neighbor? †Jesus then replied to him with a story about a man who had come from Jerusalem to Jericho and ran into some thieves who stripped the man of his clothes and beat him half to death and then left. The man who had been beaten lay on the ground and had been passed by two people who looked at him and left without helping the man. A third man â€Å"The Good Samaritan†came by and saw the wounded man on the ground and had left but came back with supplies to clean the wounded man and bandage him up. Then the Good Samaritan took him to an inn to take care of him. The next day the good Samaritan man got up and before he left, he gave the inn keeper money and told the inn keeper and told him to take care of the wounded man and that any extra money that the inn keeper has to use he will repay him once he returns. Then once Jesus was finished with the story he said to the man who was and expert in the law â€Å"Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among thieves? â€Å" The man then said â€Å"He that shewed mercy on him. †Then Jesus said â€Å"Go and do thou Likewise. †One of the attributes I believe I have fully developed would be Judgment. I may not always use the best judgment at all times, but I feel that my judgment is usually sensible and thought out as sensible as I can make it. When something comes up that I have to use my judgment for, I try to sit and think it through as much as possible to find the best possible outcome for the solution. I feel that I would need to fully develop all of the attributes discussed in chapter 10 of the reading. These are things that every person has to learn throughout their lives and will continue to develop through the years. Reference (Bumgardener Crothers, 2009) (King James Bible) How to cite Reflecting on Wisdom, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Can Media Inspire Violent Crimes Essay Example For Students
Can Media Inspire Violent Crimes? Essay Can Media Inspire Violent Crimes?One problem that many corporations ignore is the possibility thataggressive type people seek reinforcement for their own destructive acts, eitheragainst themselves or other people. Television violence, for instance, and thewidespread public concern accompanying it have led to calls for strict controlson the depiction of violent programs. In their decision making, some producers do not take responsibility for theequally important minority. Instead, they may gear their content toward themasses, who crave sexually explicit and violent action. Fortunately, this grouphas the ability to disseminate violent action rationally, realizing that inreality, people who commit acts of violence have to compensate for their actionsby taking full responsibility for the harm they cause others. Not everyone can distinguish fact from fantasy. Not only is it theirrational people who commit the crimes in our country, but our own children whomay errantly be learning from day one that nothing bad will happen to them ifthey shoot their brother in the head with Daddys pistol. Studies show that in one week of content analysis of prime-time output onseven New York City channels, there were 3,421 acts and threats of violenceobserved. Childrens fictional entertainment programs had three times thefrequency of violent acts or threats recorded in adult programs.(Gunter,p.13). many of these acts were committed without any compensation for theaction without responsibility, then it must be acceptable behavior. Similarly,aggressive adults are seeking reinforcement for their own anti-social behaviorfrom seeing attractive television characters behave in the same way. Behavioral evidence has indicated that the anti-social effects of violenttelevision portrayals are strongest and are most likely to occur amongindividuals who are already aggressive. (Palmer, p. 10). The ethical question is, should television submit to mass appeal or takeinto consideration the affects on certain members of society, includingchildren? The consequences of televising violence are not only harmful to someviewers but concurrently affect the television stations in the form of loss ofviewers and possibly gaining a bad reputation. There are many sources,including viewers associations and popular journalism, which have beencondemning the depiction of violence in television programs as a potentiallydangerous and anti-social act on the part of those who make and transmitprograms. (Gunter p. 2). Still, even though these associations have beencondemning television violence, their efforts have had little effect on thelarge money-making corporations. Therefore, the decision, on the part of thosein charge of the programs, should be one of social responsibility. In his article, Sex and Violence, Joe Saltzman states, If, as producersargue, violence is a part of the human condition, then so is responsibility. Inreal life, you just do not commit mayhem and then go on to the next scene.It is also necessary to realize that violence is part of our nature and ofour life. Almost everyday we are participants and observers of violence,whether it is natural violence, theatrical or fictional violence, sporting eventviolence, or political violence. To exclude all scenes of violence formtelevision would be to falsify the picture of life. Television media can encourage or aid destructive behavior, not causeit. There are usually many more casual factors involved. To tell people whatthey can and can not say, write, and televise is unconstitutional; however, itcan be controlled and we can hope that the decision makers will promote strongmoral, ethical values in their decision making or at least consider them, inorder to help prevent violent or self-destructive behavior. .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e , .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e .postImageUrl , .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e , .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e:hover , .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e:visited , .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e:active { border:0!important; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e:active , .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u648bc9ce540a9fd72e394a40b69fe49e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A Nobel Writing Style Reviewed EssayBibliographyGunter, Barrie; Dimensions of Television Violence, p. 2, 13. Palmer, Edward; Children in the Cradle of Television, p. 10.
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